By MelMayle - 05/01/2010 16:32 - United States

Today, I received a phone call from the local utilities company, telling me in essence: "We regret to inform you that your meter was switched, and we have been billing you for an unoccupied unit for the past 15 months. You owe us $1123.28. We apologize for any inconvenience." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 372
You deserved it 2 915

MelMayle tells us more.

I recently graduated from college and moved in this brand new unit / my first apartment, which is in a different state. I figured the rates were just low and the apartment was energy efficient. Come to find out, my bills actually exceeded $100 and $200 some months... I just don't understand how the customer service reps at the utility company, nor the complex--who was paying my actual bill the entire time--did not catch it sooner, especially considering they would be more familiar with how the rates run. But my biggest problem: They taking so long to catch it, drove my bill up. Had I been aware of my actual usage, I could have easily reduced my usage.

Top comments

blazingman311 1

Something like that happened to me, except they billed me for the correct unit.


This was their error. I certainly would not suggest you pay them up front until you've at least talked to a customer service rep and pointed out that this was something THEY did. I bet you can at least get some of it taken off.

If you used it, you have to pay for it 0_O

Cowless 0

So you moved into this place without knowing the utility rates? A smart buyer is you. Now how about you fix your previous error by speaking with the company. Believe it our not, they care about continually geting money from you.

It's renting an apartment, not buying a home. Most of us don't have a whole lot of control over where we have to live (in terms of what state or city). It commonly depends on where jobs are or school. The OP most likely HAD to move to this town for some reason or another. Even if they had known the rates it would not have changed the situation unless they were going down and reading their meter themselves every month as well. The bill would show the usage, the rate, and the total (for the wrong unit). Most people aren't aware of exactly how much electricity they use, especially when it is their first time living on their own.

nonnymouse 0

Similar thing happened to me when I sold my house. I got my final water bill and it was over $1500. Apparently there was a decimal point off somewhere down the line, and I'd been underpaying for years. [/eyeroll]

pwincessa23 1

call the company and demand that the cost be lowered because it was their mistake.

kimbowee 0

To OP: That sucks... I'd say fight it. To all of you who say he is dumb for not noticing: Do the math. 1123.28 over a 15 month span would only amount to about a $75 difference between what he was paying and what he "should have" been paying. Assuming they've been messing this up since he initially moved in, he may have just thought he had a decent price for his utilities.

aww, they were considerate enough to apologize. how thoughtful.

Send them an apology note stating that you sent the $1123.28 to the gas company. Even Steven. No hard feelings.