By honorstudent - 13/05/2010 02:18 - United States

Today, I received an award from my school rewarding me for my honor roll and my cheerleading. When I brought the certificate home my mom congratulated me and hugged me. I worked really hard for this and all my dad had to say was, "Try this flavor of Doritos." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 227
You deserved it 8 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mikey2469 0

awe didn't get your ego stroked? quit your bitchin.

texas_justice 0


Well, they do have some exciting new flavors. I wish anti-flood was timed by someone who's lips didn't move when they read.

CookiesNOJ 0

I like the new first degree burn flavor =00

SweetestSin 4

In all fairness Doritos really are awesome!!

sweetestsin I like how there's a babies arm in your picture lol

SweetestSin 4

LOL my oldest son was running around :-)

markisunder0ath 0

worked really hard to get honor roll and do cheerleading? who cares. maybe if you worked really hard to win the Nobel peace prize and run a super marathon. quit bitching.

I couldn't have phrased this better myself

Congratulations on getting your award! Any accomplishment deserves recognition and you should be proud of yourself! I'm sure your dad loves you no matter what. He probably just didn't understand that was really was a huge deal to you. Men are weird like that sometimes. My dad is like yours... It doesn't really hit him unless it somehow applies to him directly.

Because I'm sure the daughter is soooo interested in the raise or the overtime he got at work that week.

Oh yeah, your life really ******* sucks - YOU GOT AN HONOR ROLL. Quit whining! ****!