By Anonymous - 25/04/2009 16:18 - United States

Today, I received my new cell phone and activated my account. As part of the package, I get to choose five numbers that I can call without using any minutes. I could still only think of three numbers I call regularly: my parent's house, my mom's cell and my ex's cell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 069
You deserved it 13 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The fact that you placed your ex's cell is pathetic.

so_me_fml 0

Wow, I'm amazed that that's possible. I can't believe you don't at least call your Dad's cell and your BFF.


J_Blaze2000 0

its just a sign that in time you will make more friends...get ride of ur ex's # i don't think you will b needing it? unless you 2 are that close to b friends again??

smarty_fml 0

is everyone on here a total loser? get some friends. i'm not that outgoing but i have at least 5 people i call on a regular basis. and you call your ex on a regular basis? MOVE ON.

blackxmortals 0

-shrugs- So? I don't call people either, but I'm perfectly sociable. I just prefer texting. And all the people who are bashing her for having her ex's phone number, get over yourselves. Just cause you too spiteful to remain friends with any ex yourself, doesn't mean that the rest of us are.

confusdbb 0

i've been there. it sucks. i added three friends and two exes. one ex i talk to, the other ex just to make the first ex jealous...pathetic

littlegirlbleu 0

I don't think that's bad... I mean, you should probably put a friend on there, but for me, my ex is my best friend, so this is totally ok...

its not that bad lol all i could put my house and my dads cell because i dont actually call much i just text if needed lol and my girlfriend will usually text facebook which will forward to my phone

why would you waste ur money on a cellphone then if ur that much of a loner

Today, my ex gf of three months called me, saying i'm in her "fav five." I broke up with her for a reason. FML but really, you REGULARLY call your EX?!? WTF is that?

Deitz123 2

At least you have one that isn't in ur family. Still meet more people bcoz I have more people than that and I'm not even a teen. I'm a tween.