FML for mobile
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By Anonymous - 13/02/2010 07:22 - United States

Today, I switched cell phone carriers and got the plan where you can call or text any five people for free. The employee asked for my five, I could only come up with one, my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 052
You deserved it 5 091

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mom, Pizza place, brother/sister,grandma,and dog. : )

martic835 2

Please, I go through times in my life where the only people I talk to are my parents. Friends are highly overrated. Luckily I'm at a point where I'm building friendships so I actually need a phone. FYL OP, FYL.


YDI fir picking that carrier. they suck.

Enoch134 0

your not first for long and y do u have to????

lilbyrd43 0

Why would they ask you? don't you do it yourself?

FYL for having no other friends. but don't u do it yourself??? correct me if i'm wrong.

Those 900 numbers you've been calling don't count?

Malinkrot 3

YDI for only having internet friends

Rawwrness 3

I've seen this one before. this is fake

I can't stand it when people ydi for retarded reasons. and no, it doesn't.

purple3883 0

what does YDI mean may i ask?

Hanban 0

Today, I tried convincing my Valentine-hating boyfriend to send me a card, by explaining how important it is to me. He finally agreed and sent me a card. I opened it up, and it wished me 'harmony and well-being on Lupercalia'. What is Lupercalia? It's an ancient Roman festival where men run down the street naked, whipping people with goat skins to encourage fertility. FML

It stands for you dumb idiot. Lol jk. You deserve it!! (YDI)

Mom, Pizza place, brother/sister,grandma,and dog. : )

BigLostBear 0

that's just sad, lol those aren't really your pick 5 right?

No, it's actually the Chinese place's number. hahahahaha! naa, I don't like using my cellphone for long conversations, I rather speak in person : )

BigLostBear 0

I agree with that but I'm sadly a textaholic :(

Bugatti_Veyron 1

ydi for failing at life. your parents should have stomped on your head more when you were a baby.

iSitt 0

can you text your orders to the Chinese takeout ?

charcoalest 0

@40 I think that you are seriously the biggest jerk i've ever had the displeasure to encounter.

I agree with 78. Are you a five year old 68?

Hanban 0

Crap. They moderated #40. What was the message?

martic835 2

Please, I go through times in my life where the only people I talk to are my parents. Friends are highly overrated. Luckily I'm at a point where I'm building friendships so I actually need a phone. FYL OP, FYL.

uhm did u rele say friends are overated....idk what I wuld do without mi friends....prolly die so I hope u get sum good ones soon cuz dey make de hole world better

apparently we know what you didn't do with ur failed to learn how to type and spell! that was so uncomfortable to read lol.

MF12 0

snickerdoodles, where are you???!

lol agreed with number10 you should consider the idea of making some freinds:)

maybe you should've thought that one through first..

save some money and choose a plan made for loners.

thanks. I used to work for a long distance carrier so I know they regular plans, family plans, and lonely tv dinner eaters plans. the tv dinner plans are the cheapest.

boatkicker 4

The 5 people you talk to on the phone the most, deserve to be the in the 5, regardless of who they are.

just give 4 other random numbers and make friends with who evers on the other end ^.^

BigLostBear 0

I love this idea... I'm going to try thiis at those points in my life where I loose my friends.

make sure one of the numbers is 867-5309!

haha #70 i love that song... and OP that really stinks. dont you have any brothers or sisters??

icadragoon 11

Hey!! That's my number! (my name is Jennie)

Fminetoo 0

There used to be something intresting, like a recording on the other end if you dialed it with my local area code. I did it for ***** and giggles once. Dont know if its still up or not.