By Anonymous - 25/04/2009 16:18 - United States

Today, I received my new cell phone and activated my account. As part of the package, I get to choose five numbers that I can call without using any minutes. I could still only think of three numbers I call regularly: my parent's house, my mom's cell and my ex's cell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 069
You deserved it 13 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The fact that you placed your ex's cell is pathetic.

so_me_fml 0

Wow, I'm amazed that that's possible. I can't believe you don't at least call your Dad's cell and your BFF.


You fail at life. Enjoy life and meet new people. Life is short and at least when you're on your deathbed you won't have any regrets. Having your ex on your myFaves is stupid. You're whipped.

So what? You shouldn't have got the package if you didn't have anybody to place in it. Waste of money.

May you please tell me how the F*** this is a FML.. really.. your dumb

Maybe she had spent all her time with her boyfriend and when they broke up, she didn't really have any close friends. And there's a big difference between having aquaintances and having close friends. People are saying to go out there and meet new people, but that's not always the problem. There's people I talk to everyday at school and at work, but I never call them up, because we're just not that close. It's not easy to find that bond that makes you besties.

jio_freed 0

i agree with #65. I have friendly acquantices but no one i call outside of school. Mostly this is because i'm into technology and etc, and i know other people like that, but none of them go out either, so none of us see each other outside of school.

i agree wtih 65 and 67 i am definetely in the same exact boat i have a bunch of friends but not that many besties and it really hurts sometimes but its okay i guess

perussian 0
DRoss 0

not even close to funny. **** YOU

Osakhomen 0

Don't worry, I only have one person that actually counts on my Fave 5. My mom, dad, and one of best friends all have T-mobile, so I already don't pay when I call them. My other best friend is the only legit person on my Fave 5s because she was Verizon...

can me for a good time. 1800 blow yourself