By fuckit - 23/07/2016 06:52 - United States - American Fork

Today, I saw an elderly lady fall over in the street. Nobody bothered to do anything, so I went over and helped her up. Instead of thanking me, she called me a pervert and slapped me around with her cane. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 150
You deserved it 1 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

countryb_cth 38

Welp I guess now you know why no one helped her.


Tsumetai_ 11

Did you say "Hi, can I help you?" and offer your hand to her to grab, or did you just grab her and helped her up without getting her permission? That makes a difference.

People falling in public is always funny, 'specially when it's deserved!

Sadly, that's why no one wants to help in those situations.

should've taken the cane and run away in slow motion

Goblin182 26

Still, you did the right thing.

If you've ever read any FMLs you would know what was going to happen...?

Should have first prevented her from hitting you (without hurting her) and kindly explain that your parents taught you to respect elders but not let people attack you. Then say you would be happy to phone the police to report the assault if she continued. Say it it a sweet voice. Did the right thing by helping her though.

I would of left her there.. ungrateful oldlady