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By Anonymous - 23/07/2016 04:17 - United States - Gilroy

Today, I was heading out for my flight to Australia. I'd put a padlock on my luggage to keep my wallet and passport safe, only to realize way too late that I'd left the key at home. I couldn't get at my passport and ended up missing my flight and my whole vacation along with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 299
You deserved it 9 541

Same thing different taste

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Generally my passport and wallet stay on my person at all times when I'm traveling, so I don't understand why you would even put them in your luggage, let alone lock them in there. Especially since your passport is needed several times before you even board the plane and both items should at least be in your carry on luggage with you on the plane, not in your checked luggage. If they are in your carry on luggage, it's with you all the time, thus not needing a lock either. I could understand having a lock for the luggage during your vacation. It sucks you missed your vacation, but YDI.

Normally it's better safe than sorry, but you're too safe, and I'm sure very sorry!


Normally it's better safe than sorry, but you're too safe, and I'm sure very sorry!

You do realize that the airlines just cut those off before the bags are put on the plane, right? Basically you locked you luggage for nothing.

Depends on the type of bag. And they don't cut them off if you use the correct lock that's sold for which they have a key to open it.

I've locked my suitcase before and it was locked when I got it back from the airlines. So unless they found the exact lock for the exact key, I don't believe you.

skeleton key? lock picker? I have literally no idea what airlines do with locked bags so I'm just spit balling

They split the zippers with a pen or something.

on TSA website they let consumers know that airport terminals sell TSA safe open locks(as well as some department stores) Locks that are marked as TSA safe on their packaging are safe for flight because TSA has master key sets for those specific lock brands all others are liable to be cut off.

I can tell you that they'll cut the lock off a big heavy duffle bag of you don't put a TSA approved lock on it. That's why I always carry on my luggage now. X-ray it and gimme it back.

No they don't. I have never once had a lock cut off any of my bags. Not even when flying into third world country's.

At least your passport and wallet are safe!?

Generally my passport and wallet stay on my person at all times when I'm traveling, so I don't understand why you would even put them in your luggage, let alone lock them in there. Especially since your passport is needed several times before you even board the plane and both items should at least be in your carry on luggage with you on the plane, not in your checked luggage. If they are in your carry on luggage, it's with you all the time, thus not needing a lock either. I could understand having a lock for the luggage during your vacation. It sucks you missed your vacation, but YDI.

I could understand wanting to lock your carry on luggage if you plan on sleeping on the plane.

#37 At that point, your luggage is in the safest place possible: under the plane and not easily accessible. If you're talking about the carry on, which is not where it seems they had put their passport, then what I usually do, if it's small enough is keep it under my seat so that it's out of the person behind me and I could also use it as a foot rest of I wanted. And that's only IF I need to and I most likely don't. No idiot is going to, on a packed plane, open up the overhead storage and steal from a bag which isn't theirs. It's like they're asking for the air marshal to arrest them right there and then.

Why would you put your wallet and passport in your luggage when you know that you'll have immediate need of both before and after the flight?

Fun fact: an approved FML like this can be used to lower tuition to the Tripartita School of Double Checking. Here at TSDC, we'll teach you such skills as checking your face first when looking for glasses, tapping your pockets and listening for the rattle of keys before departing, and making sure it's your name written on a sales receipt instead of a lazy coworker's.


At least someone's summer is fairing worse than mine

Definitely YDI, that's just plain dumb. Why were your wallet & passport NOT in your carry on as it's needed practically all the time?

kusje 31

Get a lock with a number code, solves all future problems

Why didn't you tell security that if they x-ray your bag, they're just candles?