By Anonymous - 09/11/2010 11:13 - India

Today, I saw an old homeless man who had just fallen down due to his drinking. Everyone laughed at him, but I felt bad, so I went to help him up. My reward? A quick punch in the face, landing me in the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 939
You deserved it 6 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

people, you can't just jump to the conclusion that homeless are drunk, lazy, drug users. obviously, some of them are, but there's a good amount of people who are hoeless because they got laid off, and it all went down hill from there. if your source of income got laid off, and no one could find a job, where do you think you'll be in a couple months?

they're called untouchables for a reason


kite1099 3

he deserved it, you deserved it blah blah blah

Sailor_Crackhead 0

I would say: "Sue him!", but then I realised he has no money.

LOL never mess with drunk people! Everyone does sum crazy shit when they're drunk! :)

Now, i was gonna feel very sorry for you after getting punched...but then i realised, YDI for trying to help a drunken man.

xGabri3L 3

Your weren't suppost to help him, he should stop wasting his money on booze.

maryjaneslover7 0

ydi everyone knows bums are scum worthless vile specks of what used to be a human like crack heads a bullet to the head should be issued with great haste if I were them I'd expect the same no less

Once again, no good deed goes unpunished. Sorry OP.

I think it's terrible that people make fun of people who have less than them. Or anyone for that matter.