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By philip708 - 27/08/2015 06:46 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I helped an old man who fell over. Turns out he was drunk and had pissed himself. He decided to thank me with a hug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 722
You deserved it 1 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A golden hug from a golden aged individual. Your day can't get any brighter!


who else sang this in their heads to the tune of the Wicked song No Good Deed?

At least your heart was in the right place. No everyone would have helped, and Im sure some good karma will come your way soon (:

A golden hug from a golden aged individual. Your day can't get any brighter!

mds9986 24

Every time I read this sentence I read it in cleveland's voice without thinking about it.

StupidUsername89 23

At lest you helped him. Hope u got cleaned up

StupidUsername89 23

That's a sticky situation. Hope you got some good karma for helping him.

what kind of pee do you have that's sticky? I don't condone it, but hell, even "a wet situation" would have made more sense.

Psycocharger 19

Well, at least you helped him, good job OP!

Swandive235 27

This is why I don't hug people, ever.