By auntoftheyear - 10/08/2011 04:46 - United States

Today, I saw my brother's pregnant girlfriend smoking. Disgusted, I asked him why he didn't just stab her in the uterus and get it over with. He laughed like it was a joke, then cussed because he spilled his cereal. He's more concerned about spilled cereal than having a brain-damaged child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 344
You deserved it 10 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohjessica 11

Some parents are unfortunately like that.

actually the whole smoking during pregnant wont cause brain damage, but other health issues like asthma bronchitis, emphazema, but not brain damage., Alcohol on the other hand been proven to cause many many diferent brain anomolies in the womb and even after birth...


Hi_I_am_Q 0

At least you care. Adopt the bastard!

Hi_I_am_Q 0

At least you care. Adopt the bastard!

danielreader22 4

*sigh* Young people these days...

OP get over yourself.your brother probably didn't take you seriously because you were being melodramatic. in no way is stabbing a uterus like smoking during a pregnancy. yes she should stop, but geez. . .

fthku 13

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It's their life let them live it, if they get a brain damaged kid they're gonna hafta look after it for the next 18 years ...

neonblue120 6

Or they continue to be **** ups and are a burden on everyone else around them. And you're violating the right of that baby... Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and all.

acquiesce 6

**** him & that dumb bitch smoking.

catnip1997 0

cigarettes aren't even dangerous idiot

reallytho3 11
VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

I think you have cigarettes confused with joints.

you both are stupid both cause damage and are as bad as each other!

MwahFMLS 6

that's not a funny fml.. that's just a sad fml..

jvoytko 0

OP: My mother smoked during my gestation period. I now have 4 bachelors degrees in computer science and psychology, own my own house, and and earn over $60/hr.

First, I can't tell if you're trying to say that your current situation is a result of your mother's habits or if you're just bragging. It's really unnecessary to give details if the issue is health of body and brain. Clearly you're not brain damaged. Second, I don't understand why multiple people have made this same comment as if it somehow disproves the OP's concern. So far roughly the same number of comments have claimed the opposite (that they know someone who WAS affected by prenatal smoking) which, based only on these comments, gives the fetus a 50/50 chance. Not exactly a green light in my book. As for OP, the way you phrased your concern with (we can only hope) dark sarcasm takes away from the point you were trying to make to your brother. If you want him to take you seriously maybe you should be serious, too.