By WTF - 09/06/2012 13:54 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, I saw my mom changing the expiry date on milk. She genuinely thought this would make the milk sour later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 791
You deserved it 2 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Change her birth date... She"ll age slower =}

Really? Wanting someone's mom dead is pretty harsh...


No matter what the date says on a carton of milk, I MUST sniff it to absolutely make sure it hasn't gone bad. Just another one of my corky habits.:P

^ And that quirky habit may be the reason you puke your guts up, one less time than the guy/girl who doesn't. ;)

I learned to do this the hard way. Never again...

I sniff it first as well... Not because it is a corky habit, but because I refuse to puke up chunky milk again. :S

I'm guessing she wanted to save money...?

It depends. How long has she been doing this?

Well OP your mom isn't the Sharpest tool in the shed, but just let her drink it when it goes bad. She will learn real quick.

katie_did16 3

This is when we hope natural selection works

Find her bills and change the due date on them. That'll show her.

Michael_92 20

Well it could be worse, could be like our family that literally goes through at least 2 gallons every single day. Our milk never has a chance to go bad.

Shadow_Phantom 26

I'm curious to know just what you do with all that milk... o.o

....Wouldn't that make it a good thing that it never has a chance to go bad?

At some point its cheaper to just buy a cow or two