By Username - 04/02/2011 08:11

Today, I scraped the ice off my boss's car windows and thought it'd be funny to scrape a swastika in the ice on his roof. I didn't realize until it thawed off that it scratched it into the paint. He didn't find much humor in it and is making me pay for the damage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 925
You deserved it 81 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha! Yeah, the symbol of the most vilified group of humans to ever live is freaking hysterical! I would've laughed my white-pride ass off!! LOLOLOLOOLOL no but seriously, you are a complete waste of flesh if you think for millisecond that shit is funny. Your boss should be allowed to give you an Aldo Raine-type reminder of why this isn't funny, you vapid, empty, worthless soul.

ContactSparrows 0


404wan 19

im glad to read the other comments here. you sir, are a *******. we have loads of little ***** in my country that think it's funny to scratch swastikas in busstops, on benches and other places lowlife ***** hang out who want to be 'edgy' and have no education of future. my country was occupied for 5 years. you deserve to get your ******* ass beaten to shit if you ever think a symbol of "gas to death anyone we want because its cheaper than using bullets" is funny. asshole.