By simpleasjam - 19/09/2016 14:27 - United Kingdom - Worcester Park

Today, I screamed at a taxi driver to not run over a hedgehog. He got a fright and ended up pulling over. I hopped out and ran to the middle of the road to pick up the hedgehog and leave him on the grass by the path. As I got closer and went to pick up said hedgehog, I realised it was a pinecone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 179
You deserved it 6 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're an idiot. I'm sorry, but easily could have caused a wreck.

Gotta play it off by picking it up anyway and gingerly setting it in the grass


How isn't this an FML with a ydi option. I'm just getting a this could've happened to me. This was stupid of the op and could have caused an accident, YDI.

On my phone, there is YDI, and I hit it hard.

You should've done a running kick and sent the pine cone flying, Imagine the look on the drivers face XD

Don't be too obvious, carefully pick it up and place the pinecone on the grass, then just walk back to the cab, and hope that the driver is too stunned to realize what actually happened.

Are wild hedgehogs a common thing where your from? why would one be in the road to begin with.

askullnamedbilly 33

1. Obviously yes 2. Hedgehogs have evolved a strategy that is very successful in fending off pretty much all predators: they curl up in a spiky ball of hurt and stay that way until the predator gets bored and leaves. Unfortunately, that doesn't help if you're dealing with a car. It is, however, instinctual, so hedgehogs WILL curl up in the middle of the road if they get scared even if they have enough time to run away. So in countries with a lot of hedgehogs, you'll have quite a few flattened hedgies on the streets.

Sonic says: At least you tried. Also, don't scare drivers. That's dangerous.

Goblin182 26

It might be time for an eye exam.

You are lucky the cabbie let you continue. A friend of mine actually yelled and pulled my steering as she wanted to save a squirrel. Nearly caused an accident. I had to brake Hard to stop hitting a pedestrian. I was literally shaking because of anger/adrenaline and took about 5 minutes to regain composure. She didn't understand what the big deal was and why I was yelling at her. "Don't you raise your voice at me. I was trying to save a life." If it weren't late in the night and she were closer to her home I would've effing dropped her there and then. Drove the 30 minutes in silence and did not speak to her for a week. She still doesn't understand what she did wrong. SMH.

You were going to pick up a hedgehog? One with pikes and stuff?