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By hatecolin - 10/09/2009 18:46 - United States

Today, I was driving my new car home when I came around a sharp turn to see a groundhog in the road. I kindly stopped and allowed it to cross when all of the sudden a car slammed into the back of mine. Then, another car went flying around us. That car hit and killed the groundhog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 821
You deserved it 12 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Never stop in a travel lane when there are poor sightlines for traffic behind you. Just imagine the FML from the other guy's perspective. "Today, I was driving down the road and went around a sharp curve to suddenly discover that some dickless wonder had stopped his car in the middle of the road. With no time to react, I slammed into his car. Afterwards I asked him why he was stopped. His response? 'I was letting a groundhog cross the road.' FML"

You're not supposed to stop for animals on the road, as horrible as it sounds. A few years ago a guy stopped for a family of ducks, but a truck smashed into them killing his wife and daughter. I'm an animal lover myself, but that's how life is, if they're on they road they're gonna get squished one way or another.


your life sucks. i would have said the hogs life sucks too but hes dead.

ReasonsToFly 0

glassisass, you're just as bad as him. I've seen your comment on 2/2 of the FMLs I've looked at today. ******. Although of course it could be that you're starchild and you're advertising his FMyLife account so that people will look at it, then look at his MySpace.

Reyo 2

Today, I was in a fender bender. The asshole was stopped right around a corner and I couldn't see him in time. Why? To let a groundhog cross the street. FML

Thank you. YDI Do NOT stop around a blind corner. The only way that is going to end is a crash.

lexilovesyou 0

Well thankyou for at least attempting to save the ground hog ! Haha, but I'm not sure if I would risk peoples lives for itt.....

These reverse FMLs are getting old. We get it.

Indeed. Didn't they tell you not to stop for animals for exactly this reason? Go around if you can, if not, oh well.

Actually, you got that completely ass backwards. You should never swerve for an animal in the road, but brake as much as you can in a controlled manner.

To #30; That would have been better if it was done in the internet sarcasm font!!

Hich17 0

#30 - glad someone said it. OP - you stopped around a sharp turn. Not only did you stop, but you then WAITED. Of COURSE you're going to get hit! Come on!!!

killerviral 0

sue sue every one looking like a fool wit ya pants on da ground

ydi. who stop around a corner. ever heard of common sense?

You're not supposed to stop for animals on the road, as horrible as it sounds. A few years ago a guy stopped for a family of ducks, but a truck smashed into them killing his wife and daughter. I'm an animal lover myself, but that's how life is, if they're on they road they're gonna get squished one way or another.

Totally agree! the road rules say that your not to stop or swerve to avoid animals. If they are in the way just be a heartless bastard and mow 'em down. Its a hard thing to do and (touch wood) Ive never had to.

andlifesuxagain 0

Ya you try NOT stopping for a moose or a cow and see how your car turns out. As far as the ground hog, its totally his fault, should have built a tunnel under the road...

The comment means small animals dumbass.

Try saying that to the guy in the Superbowl commercial where he stops as to not hit the groundhog and the groundhog later helps him survive a dam flooding. :P

YDI. Never stop in a travel lane when there are poor sightlines for traffic behind you. Just imagine the FML from the other guy's perspective. "Today, I was driving down the road and went around a sharp curve to suddenly discover that some dickless wonder had stopped his car in the middle of the road. With no time to react, I slammed into his car. Afterwards I asked him why he was stopped. His response? 'I was letting a groundhog cross the road.' FML"

# 7 I loved that xDDD And OP, you weren't thinking at all for anyone's life but the groundhogs, huh? You knew the turn was a sharp one, of course someone's gunna slam into you if you're stopped there. In fact you could've lost your own life, although to some people 'humans aren't above animals at all!!!!' Well, anywys poor groundhog, and poor guy that slammed into you.

skyryder07 0

how can you say that! some people shouldnt be driving so fast when they make a turn... its things like this why people shouldnt speed as fast as they do. whats the hurry?.. to reach somewhere 5 seconds earlier?

no, to reach a place 5 min earlier! :D But really, the OP should have never stopped for a ground hog. Here's a general rule I follow. Don't stop for small, stop for the tall. Basically, if it's so small that you can't see it over the hood of your car, don't stop. Where as animals like deer obviously come above the hood which will cause some serious damage.. so stop.

Yeah, good try, but I never said that the guy who hit him was faultless. Rule 1: never stop in a travel lane when someone traveling at speed will not be able to see you in time to stop, with a good cushion on top. Rule 2: always drive at a speed such that your stopping distance is within your sight lines. These two rules are NOT INCOMPATIBLE. You should follow both. Both people involved in this accident were at fault and get a YDI. As for the child? Well, rule 3: never cross the road at a blind spot where people traveling at speed won't be able to see you to stop in time!

Epickitty58 29

"Dickless wonder" is my new favorite phrase. Bravo, #7. Bravo.

What do you expect for stopping dead on a blind curve? You're lucky you didn't kill somebody.

FAIL! its a groundhog.. and you dont stop in the middle of a road for a creature who would end up dead anyway to cross... unless you knew that the road was clear

the_stereotype 0

YDI. that's why you're not supposed to stop for small animals crossing the road (without checking to make sure there aren't any cars), because things like this will happen when you do. and yes, it is pretty common