By Kyle - 10/05/2011 10:48 - United Kingdom

Today, I searched frantically for my glasses for ages. After giving up, I realised I could see perfectly. I had been wearing them the whole time and neither my mother nor my father told me because "it was far too funny" watching me yell "Where the fuck are they?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 992
You deserved it 46 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

At least you didn't offer an 100 dollar reward price on who finds the glasses first..

RockstarRN 10

Oh wow! That sucks but it is pretty funny!


kportal69 5

I'm just wondering if you have no mirror or reflective surfaces in the house?? lol. no worries. we've all done something along those lines. everyone has one dumbass moment at least once a day. :)

mayb you shouldn't swear in front of your parents, next time they'll help you after they get a few laughs first of course

pchips 1

Or maybe OP could just continue speaking english, and ignore people who are dumb enough to think that certain words are somehow magically worse than all the other words that mean the same thing!

mayb you shouldn't swear in front of your parents, next time they'll help you after they get a few laughs first of course

ghashlycrumbs 8
kitsune3 20

Oh my gosh this is something I can relate to. I can be looking for something for ages and not realize it is LITERALLY right in front of me. Then at last I see it and feel incredibly stupid. Afterward I just laugh it off and call myself a dork. Haha. It's all good, OP. We all make mistakes. It does kinda suck that your parents didn't help you out there, but ya gotta learn to laugh at yourself. It makes life so much easier.

bzett 0

Sorry; but that is pretty funny!

rhpsfan9 10

Everyone has had one of these moments in life

you didn't notice them laughing at you?:) but don't worry I've been there:)

GeneralMotors 23

epic fail! i do it all the time :) you british people love saying "ages." pretty funny!