
By wobbles - 04/12/2009 05:28 - United States

Today, I spent 30 minutes trying to find my glasses. I don't know what's worse, the fact that I was wearing them the whole time, or that my girlfriend played along and helped me look for them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 933
You deserved it 34 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ICallKyo 3

if this had happened to someone with any sense of humor, it would have ended up on MLIA. how is that an FML at all?


I don't think it's funny in ways. But I like the feeling that when you wear glasses, somethimes you forget that's it on, or that the fact is, you wear them too much and when your not, you forget you aren't wearing them at at.

Sure you may not notice normally, but you'd think you'd notice the difference in clarity when all of your attention is focused on your vision. But a lot of the fml was how stupid he looked in front of his girlfriend, who basically mocked him, not just the not noticing.

you clearly don't need glasses if you can't tell weather or not you are wearing them

my sister does that all the time. my older cousins stole her glasses once and hid them under my aunts sheets just before my little cousins decided to jump on the bed. guess who doesn't have glasses anymore. lol

vballerlover07 0

Meh_Face, it's funny cause on the inside, his girlfriend was laughing really hard and making funny jokes about him while "helping" him with "looking" for his glasess.

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Dude, if I were in your gf's shoes, I'd totally do the same thing! Or at least NOW I would :) — Thanks for the idea!!

Exactly, the girl is a winner and so is this FML!

fancypantsninja 0

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waterynuggets 0

Ok, so? This happens to people all the time, it's a funny little thing. You look for a pencil when you're holding it, or look for your glasses when they're on your head. The sad part is not that you were wearing them and your girlfriend had a little bit of fun with you, but that it took you half an hour to figure it out. After like 10 mins I'd be like, this is pathetic, they're on your damn face! But it's still pretty funny.

jts2 3

ROFL. You have a good girlfriend, OP. HOW is this an FML?

YeaSo3 14

Dont say that.. They moderated my comment for questioning an fml!...but OP your gf is hilarious but a 1/2 hr is a bit much... Mayb she didnt really know they were there and lied and said she did

ICallKyo 3

if this had happened to someone with any sense of humor, it would have ended up on MLIA. how is that an FML at all?

Oh come on, stop whining, that's just funny.