By jcesom - 29/07/2009 05:53 - United States

Today, I showed by ID to get into a bar and the bouncer kept it because he said it wasn't me. It was. Apparently I've gained so much weight I am unrecognizable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 553
You deserved it 15 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tick_tock 0

You should have called the police, he can't keep your ID.

sportmaster525 0

well that's quite the predicament


put down the twinkie, and back away slowly

chococool223 0

This reminds me of this old FML where this girl who used to be really beauiful in her passport picture gained a lot of weight and when she went through customs at the airport she got held by security for "stealing someones passport"

You know, I'm not normally the one to say "YDI for being fat" but... YDI for being fat. If you are seriously unrecognizable, then there is something wrong with your weight. Fix it.

should have called the cops and had the bouncer arrested for larceny

that's when you call the police and tell them he took your ID and refuses to give it back. I don't think bouncers can confiscate government issues ID's

I'm not saying YDI for being fat... YDI for not going to get a new ID when the information on the old one was no longer valid. On the bright side, unlike changing your address, there's no "Change of Weight" form to fill out.

I sympathise. I'm waiting for the day my ID gets rejected. I've lost shit loads of weight since I had my ID done. :(

That is the girl from Fast and Furious.

For everyone who's saying what the bouncer did is illegal...only in the fact that the OP's real ID was taken. Many states allow bouncers to confiscate fake IDs to prevent their use elsewhere.

chimmy 0

Yes. But it was a REAL ID. Therefore, him taking it was illegal and she should have threatened to sue or something, because he cannot take a real ID.

He THOUGHT it could be a fake. Regardless of the face that it was her real ID, I'm pretty sure the bouncer had the right to take it because he thought it was fake/not hers.

Good luck proving that the bouncer KNEW it really was that person. Do you really think THEY wanted to go through all that hassle if they didn't think there was a good reason. I can say from personal experience. NO. I'd rather just let you go and think to myself "Wow, someone let themselves go" than sit there and get yelled at/bitched at/cussed at/screamed at just to prove a point... UNLESS I didn't think it was them.