
By vanessa_d15 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was together with a few of my friends when I got up the courage to confess I have an eating disorder. One of my friends then said "... but you're not skinny." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 125
You deserved it 6 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you say to her, "and you're not intelligent."

...your friend sounds like a lovely person.


OMG OMG OMG!!! First!!! finally i get to say it once :P

evangldbrg 0

whup dee doo...you want a ******* cookie or something?

peroxideprincess 0

Why do you both have to be party poopers? retards

devendra_fml 0

Every time I read "ED" I think of erectile dysfunction. Just sayin'.

A1L12E4X26 0

nice friends OP. It's okay, a lot of people have eating disorders. And an eating disorder isn't always just starving yourself.

donomac 0

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Wow #129, you really are an idiot, aren't you? Eating disorders aren't all anorexia. There is bulimia too (characterised as the presence of binge periods, and then excessive restriction/fasting/exercise/purging afterwards). Diagnostically, it's important for doctors to note that patients with bulimia may be very thin, normal weight or fat. And then there's EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified). You can't fail at having an eating disorder, and nor should anyone be encouraged to 'work harder' at their anorexia! Eating disorders come in many forms, and all are definitely not fun to deal with. Eating disorder doesn't just mean starvation, it means DISORDERED EATING, encompasses a whole range of things.

Maybe your friends meant that you don't look like an ugly twig. Or you just fail at being bulimic.

Carnivwhorus 0

So you got all of your friends together so you could tell them you have an eating disorder and how much more attention they should pay to you now. Then one of the more uncomprehending ones commented on the fact that you're fat. Do i have it straight? Please get the hell over it now.

zac12345 0
Meg_26 0

That's when you say to her, "and you're not intelligent."

Awesome comeback. You must have been the queen of your grade school.

_cheeseballs 0

Your comeback was just as bad 'Xero3g' ;D

_cheeseballs 0

Your comeback was just as bad 'Xero3g' ;D

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that's actually untrue. an eating disorder doesn't necessarily mean someone is starving him/herself, it's just means there's a disorder in their eating patterns. So someone that eats too much or too greasy, can also have an eating disorder. think before you speak, kthx.

# 8 "kthx" You totally sound intellectual enough to listen to. Although I don't disagree with what you are saying, don't assume you're always right jackass.

lem0n_fml 0

How the hell did unfortunate_13 "assume they were always right?" They made a good point, and just because they wrote "kthx," you're going to assume that they're a jackass?

IllegalLight 0

Well I happen to agree with them (and not you #21).

Flamersplamer 0

#21 you know "Don't disagree" is a double negitive statement and is therefore just a useless waste of space, like you! jackass.

#119 "Don't disagree" doesn't necessarily mean "agree." Hence, it is a valid statement. He just might not be taking a stance on the position, which he clearly isn't, merely posting to attack someone's quirks. Your grammar and spelling is also off. Think about this notion, before you attack someone's statement for errors. #8 clearly, OP is talking about an eating disorder along the lines of anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge-eating rather than "I can't eat purple food!" Any commenter shouldn't have to be questioning of everything when certain things are implied. If I say that my shiny flashlight allowed me to read my book. It is implied that my flashlight is on and shining on my book rather than me reflecting light off the shiny material of the flashlight to see my book.

Hugorgy 0

If someone has bulimia, they actually don't usually lose a noticeable amount of weight, but keep their normal weight, so the disorder is not easily detected. Open a book.

Flamersplamer - Fail. Not disagreeing and agreeing are very different things.

FairLouisa 0

Wow! Your friend is a stupid bitch! :D

machoman1 0

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Well she can easily be bulimic... most bulimics are normal to overweight because neither puking or laxatives is an adequate loss of calories... your body learns fast and after two or three pukes, it knows what to do. So imagine binging on tons of food and then puking it out only to have your body retain the calories before you can get it out; naturally, you would gain weight! And the reason people don't stop this even when they see they're not losing weight is because it is a form of ADHD (strong impulsivity) AND the body gets used to you throwing up all the time, so its hard to quit. Oh, and craaaaazy water retention.

Actually, it's not ADHD. I think you meant OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

You can be bulimic to the point where you lose alot of weight... some people just dont throw everything up.

letitbe56 0

mystomachhurts- If someone who has binge-purge behavior is losing a significant amount of weight, they probably have binge-purge type anorexia, not bulimia. People with bulimia are generally of normal weight, or even somewhat overweight. People with binge-purge type anorexia tend to be clinically underweight and stop having menstrual periods (if they're women). There are other more subtle distinctions, but those are the main ones.

ADHD means attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder which has nothing to do what you said. I think you used the wrong thing here?

Actually not all people with eating disorders are stick skinny. You should do your research before your comment stupid shit on peoples pages.

Stevieebabyy 0

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Who are you to tell her to 'try and control' her disorder. Why make assumptions for?

Misc248 0

I think you should confide in other people. You need someone more supportive.

a_nix777 0

wow, your friends are assholes. I've been through that so I know how hard it is to open up to people.