By Anonymous - 27/11/2013 02:39 - United States - Bakersfield

Today, I was searched and questioned at the airport for having an apple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 954
You deserved it 4 784

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31


well did you take a bite and the taste of it make you say "AAAHHH THIS IS SO ****** DELICIOUS!!!!" thats why they kicked me out when i bought my first iphone

RedPillSucks 31

Must have been his lack of aplomb. No? Anyone? Ok then..

shyeahh_fml 19

18, you didn't give anyone a chance.

Somuchart 3

Don't do the crime, if you can't serve the time..

bingbongbingbong 11

No no no. You guys don't get it. They were looking for a knife to cut the apple.

They thought you were smuggling an apple bong.

I remembered when I was fully searched at the airport. I was just walking to my next terminal and this security just called on me for no reason and searched me again while I just passed the security clearance.

ColonelCusswords 24

Let me clear this up: when moving country to country people dont want fruit or other objects that could potentialy carry diseases spreading it to the people animals or plants entering. thier country from other countries. This airport guy should have just taken it and thrown it away but i assume he over reacted or thought you looked questionable

You're not allowed to bring food or liquids in your carry on, when you go on a plane. It's so that people don't hand another person food and poison and kill them. YDI for not already knowing this

addioty 19

An apple? Paranoia is really running rampant. . .

michaelaranda 28

but its worth it. our airplanes are pretty safe. I know that it is a hassle, but I like being safe on an airplane.

Hey apples are deadly! Have you ever seen Snow White? :o

she didn't die though 47, just went into a coma.

imagine the pilota going into a coma before landing

yah but 56 do you really wanna risk having to be woken out of a coma by a kiss from prince charming aka the fat guy in the seat next to you

Wizzlbang 10

Other countries airports are pretty safe too, #25. Pretty sure they don't have to pat down toddlers and interrogate people about apples to keep it that way.

It's biosecurity you ******* retard. Fresh fruit is highly susceptible to bringing various insects that may not be present in the country already. Can risk the land's ecology. Can't believe kids these days are so dumb.

hold on just a second. I know thay Australia has some of the strictest customs and quarantine laws of any country in the world and am aware that op is from the US, but if he tried to take an apple over to Australia it would be a big deal haha. you aren't allowed to bring most food items or plant matter of any kind due to the fact that they can carry diseases and pests to be introduced to the environment. If they found an apple in someone's bag, it's normal that they would proceed to search the rest of their belongings.

Banannikka 1

THANK YOU I was just coming here to post that. The US is strict, too. I deal with flight attendants who often leave their fruit at the hotel if they are coming back because they know they can't bring it from Canada to the USA. I was approached by a dog and a security agent in Montreal purely for SMELLING like peaches. I got questioned at the baggage claim (which is after security/customs) and we narrowed it down to my apricot flavoured cookies.

I think it more that people in US have such terrible eating habbits, that when they saw an apple they disnt know what it was.

25- Do you know the meaning of "security theater"? Wikipedia's article on it even links to the one on "Airport security repercussions due to the September 11 attacks".

Airports are too paranoid these days..

Be a part of a hijack once.. You'll know why then! But checking because of an apple is ridiculous though!

You think that's bad? I get suspicious looks all the time! Being brown and having a beard is not easy, I tell ya.

According to your picture you're white and don't have a beard…

You should probably get your eyes checked, 60.

@44 I have the same problem when I go, because I'm Arab.

not gonna lie, i was flying like six months after 9/11 the muslim guys wearing turbans, praying to mecca right before the flight was kinda sketchy

That's like when my class and I were travelling to New York and one kid was from Dubai all the rest of us were white, he was the only one they pulled aside to be checked AGAIN! Then on the way back it happened again!

Apples were the ruination of Adam and Eve...

Technically, nobody knows exactly what kind of fruit it was. I say all fruit was the source of their fall!

Don't forget how much trouble the Apple of Discord caused..

It caused trouble because they let it. Under the circumstances, it would have been very acceptable, even sweet to give it to Thetis, who had just been married, but instead some idiot decided to turn it into a real competition.

Snow White had some trouble with an apple as well!

Maybe they saw something suspicious about it? Weird..

Maybe the officer just really hated Steve Jobs and was determined to search everything that reminded them of him, reasonable or not.

Maybe he was just hungry and saw OP had an apple. "Let me just check the inside of this for anything suspicious..." *takes bite*

thats just odd.. maybe the person found you attractive and wanted to talk to you.

We'll dammit, I'll give you a thumbs up for that. It was appreciative grunt worthy.

hey mam i like you now bend over i gota stick my finger up your bum for a cavity check

Maybe they just wanted to feel you up some more and wanted a semi-valid reason to do so.

HeadlessSparrow 20

Something must have happened in that airport involving an apple before!

Yeah, someone got annoyed and threw one at the security officer. :)

you can throw an apple at someone and hurt them lol

AnOriginalName 19

I'm sure that throwing your carry-on bag at someone would hurt them a lot more though.

an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but not airport security.

Guess they wanted the apple away so that he could see a doctor, that's what's we call airport care act