By JohnMackSquirts - 19/03/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, I slept over at my friend's house but forgot my glasses. When I woke up in the morning, I came out of his room and forcefully kicked what I thought was a soccer ball on the floor. Turns out it was his miniature poodle - it fell down a long flight of stairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 975
You deserved it 115 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How terrible! But, honestly, you shouldn't be playing ball in the house. Didn't you're parents teach you anything?

Wasn't it moving or something? I was born legally blind and even I can tell the difference between a living thing and a soccer ball...


firstnlast77 0

omg someone call animal abuse

some_chic 0

haa, haa! holy shit! that's the funniest thing i've heard all day! thank you so much! haa, haa!

lilmcb21 0

why in hell would you forcefully kick a soccerball in your friends house?

Thrashmeister 0

...And even if it was a ball, why in God's name would you forcefully kick it indoors?

Why would you kick a soccer ball in someone's house? Asshole.

oooh!!! poor doggie!!! i hope it was ok!!

hahahaha im sorry but thats really funny. poor dog, but lmao.

You should be ashamed of yourself...i feel terrible for that poodle and thats sooo sad for the poodle well you shouldnt be ashamed of yourslef i just feel really bad for the poodle

and what the **** is wrong with you people saying that all poodles should be would you feel if someone said that you should be killed cuz they dont like you for that you guys should be little *******