By stupidneighbor - 04/03/2009 17:03 - United States

Today, I slipped on the ice in front of my apartment, spraining my ankle and cracking a rib. While I laid on the ground immediately after, my neighbor chewed me out for saying "shit" in front of her 4-year-old on my way down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 191
You deserved it 3 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

You should've killed two birds with one stone and told her to take her bitching elsewhere.

WOW, some people just don't get it. There are some things you just need to let go. There are no words to adequately describe people like your neighbor. Socially retarded, snobbish, idiotic, self-absorbed assholes, maybe, but so much worse...


you know, kids who are sheltered too much become the messed up ones when they're older

They're probably the ones that go to heaven though.

Obviously she said that and didn't mean it.. I've heard tons of girls say it before.. doesn't mean they're gay. your fault for misjudging the situation.

Some people are just... The right thing for this neighbor to say would have been "Gosh! Are you okay? Don't move, I'll get some help."

Bubs_fml 0

Wow, you are seriously injured and her only concern was a swear that her child probably didn't even notice? Even if he did hear it, he's a little kid so he has an attention span and memory of about five seconds so he would have forgotten it. Should have told that douche to call a "Mother f***ing ambulance." Or maybe a WHAAAAMBULANCE!

**** that neighbor id slap her with my dick

response: "I'll say whatever I ******* want to you mother *******, **** sucking bitch, go **** yourself" then say to the kid "Mommy was drunk when she had you"

I would have said "Bitch, I can say whatever the **** I want to now call me a ******* ambulance" I hope you're okay though.

You should have said, "F*ck you and your kid".

AlmostHuman123 0

Aww, mann. Your neighbor is such a bitch. You should've told her to mind her own buisness. (:

Wow, what a self-centered bitch. I hope she slips on the ice next time :/ I'd have had an epic moment of creative obscenities just for her, if I had been you.