By stupidneighbor - 04/03/2009 17:03 - United States

Today, I slipped on the ice in front of my apartment, spraining my ankle and cracking a rib. While I laid on the ground immediately after, my neighbor chewed me out for saying "shit" in front of her 4-year-old on my way down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 190
You deserved it 3 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

You should've killed two birds with one stone and told her to take her bitching elsewhere.

WOW, some people just don't get it. There are some things you just need to let go. There are no words to adequately describe people like your neighbor. Socially retarded, snobbish, idiotic, self-absorbed assholes, maybe, but so much worse...


Buy this shirt and wear it in front of them. You can thank me later.

HAHAHA, I was just posting the same link, #12.

rachelforgot2 0

hahahaha thats funny! i would have said "**** you, shut the **** up! im hurt, dumbass" =D

Young_Sparta 0

you could also claim racism if she was of a different color. take advantage man =]

damn people are such bitchy assholes these days. **** them. sheeeeesh

throwing_bricks 0

i'm sick of people who get pissed at others cursing, everyone does it, kids are saying it at 2, **** your neighbor, shit on her lawn, or i'll do it for you

LifeScrewsUsAll 0

what a bitch lol. I would make her pathway all iced up and then bitch her out for laying down on the ground

I would have started yelling every curse I knew. Did you?

You should have broke n two of her ribs and see what words came out of her mouth

I yelled out "****!" in a crowded convenience store/deli when I sliced my finger on the slicer. When there were numerous elderly people and children in there. Thankfully everyone understood when they saw the blood.

whitey_fml 0

so shes a bitch. not YOUR fault.