By Anonymous - 18/11/2013 18:53 - United Kingdom - Congleton

Today, I snuck into my boyfriend's house at 9am to surprise him on our 1 year anniversary. In the process, I gatecrashed another celebration he was having with his second girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 884
You deserved it 4 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It could be worse. Imagine how horrible the 3rd girlfriend would feel when she arrives.


Dammmnnn that sucks. Thats a fear of mines though. I hope it never happens to me, I will go to jail.

This has happened to me, but I was the second horse. You can't be mad at the second horse. The horse probably didn't know about you. This horse didn't.

icepick23 12

Today, I to celebrate my 1 year anniversary with my girlfriend, I planned a surprise threesome for her with another girl. She came over early, freaked out and now thinks I have a "second girlfriend"--FML...

crazydave1998 6

plus you, makes three!!!horray for him

I would get the other girl and leave together. Both of you should leave him. Clearly you were less than important to him because he forgot the anniversary and to top it off was cheating, so he has no room in his life for you!

Sorry OP. You will find someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Keep your head up.

That's really bad and hurtful. Smh I hope you pull through well.

Hope the both of you kicked the crap out of him