By Anonymous - 27/11/2009 02:13 - United States

Today, I spent the entire day at the hospital and was sent home attached to an obnoxious and somewhat painful heart monitor. I felt fine and decided to go to a bonfire with a few friends. I thought everyone was being nice until I overheard the guys referring to me as an unattractive xbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 316
You deserved it 3 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I didn't know Tennessee people were smart enough to operate a Xbox.

Hey! I've had one of those... My mom told me I looked like Robo-Cop. ]: I feel your pain.


I've had many heart monitors and none of them have been painful, even when i had an allergic reaction to the adhesive it wasn't painful... i hope you don't need surgery that is painful, it will be very painful for you if a monitor hurts

I wore a heart monitor (wires attacked to sticky things on the skin running to a smaller box that usually clipped to my pants) in high school. Some kid thought it was a bomb. I mean it was soon after 911, but seriously? I just think he was an idiot.

What dumbasses. Don't let it bother you because some people are such assholes.

That sucss cause people on average suck! Im sorry for you OP fyl

Chance are, considering that men tend to have more heart issues than women, they'll be the ones on heart monitors at some point in their lives. Rest assured that it's likely they'll be in your position, medically speaking, sooner or later. Whatever they're dishing out now, they'll get back when their time comes.

Same thing I'm thinking. I know it sucks to get made fun of by some idiots, but it's a good thing your getting better and being able to go out.

tayzer_fml 0

That's really saying something. PS3 FTW. :D

thekillercure21 0

Wow, get over it. I've had holter monitors like 6 times before, they're no big deal. If you didn't have it on, they'd just be referring to you as ugly, so be thankful they associate you with something cool.

mendel_fml 0

If the others could see the heart rate, maybe they were playing "games" to see if they could make it go up (or down?), thus having in interest in the gadget but feigning an interest in the person. That's pretty FML.

You know, I don't think it's that complicated. I think they were just being mean and that's it.