By Disappointed Teacher - 10/12/2013 21:32 - Canada - Surrey
Same thing different taste
Thatcher, Thatcher, jungle canyon rope bridge snatcher!
By great idea - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Calgary
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
Annoying and creepy
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Singapore
Roaming gangs
By 23yearoldtoddler - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
There was an attempt…
By JoshTheUnluckyFromKentucky - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Folsom
Debate perverts
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff
By Anonymous - 19/10/2023 16:25
Say it, don't spray it
By ... - This FML is from back in 2008 but it's good stuff - France
By screwed - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By reallyhighschool - 03/12/2013 16:34 - United States - Torrance
Top comments
People care about money and he's got a lot.
Money money money..... MONEEYY
Take over the world when I'm on my Donald Trump sh*t. Look at all this money. -Mac Miller
To infinity and beyond #29!
Though I appreciate her actions and the change they led to, I actually met Rosa Parks at a Black History Month event when I was a kid. She was kind of a ****.
why were the people listed only African American? you understand that Donald is the American image of success right?
At least it's someone with legendary hair. And it could be worse, they didn't say Justin Bieber after all!
Why would adults say a teen pop star who hasn't even been famous for a decade?
I have some friends with belieber parents and trust me, it is not a pretty sight!
I'm horrified those "belieber" parents reproduced.
14 O god why
Because the world needs victims for the zombie pandemic
Why must everything always come back to Justin Beiber? He is a nasty, petulant child that shouldn't even be thought of. By mentioning him, even to make him the punchline of your joke, you are making him relevant.
58 is right there is no point in making that pitiful excuse of a human relevant to the situation
I guess his hair could inspire 60 year old men to brush their 3 remaining hairs over their bald head instead of just giving up and wearing a hat or toupee...
The world has changed. People look out for themselves now, rather than looking for what they can do for others.
That is an unfortunate revelation and I hope people can learn to live better lives. This world has to change for the better if we are to make it as decent human beings.
39- Your comment is not fair in the slightest. Not only are you making a generalization and assuming that since these 30 adults look up to Donald Trump, all young people do, but you're also making a statement that would only make sense if time were frozen forever and ever. You're saying that not one person in a younger generation has accomplished something? B.S.- heard of Malala Yousafzai? And you're assuming that, even if it were true that nobody has had an impact on the world, it will stay like that? Foolish assumption. Sorry to go off on a rant here, but nothing bothers me more than stupid generalizations mixed with the "I'm superior" vibe.
The world hasn't changed, it just went back to the 80's. Miley's a bad copy of Madonna, and Bieber is an even worse copy of Vanilla Ice. Hammer that into young people's heads if you really want to change something!
No, actually, the world has always been like that. Remember slavery? Or when the Romans went around slaughtering everyone? The only difference now is that people aren't directly screwing others over.
You're fired!!!
I don't think it's right of you to judge people for who they are inspired by. In fact, F their life for bring taught by such a close-minded individual.
Exactly! Inspiration is a case of preference. Some people are inspired by someone who reaches a high sense of power, others by those with wealth, and still those by people who accomplish a lot in a little amount of time. OP is not right for criticizing others who don't conform to her thoughts, regardless of their age or their choice. Edit: Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black are not people and thus can not inspire. They are crabs and need to be hit with shampoo.
I think it's ok to say you shouldn't be inspired by a businessman who's declared bankruptcy multiple times in his life. Do you know how many thousands of business-people there are who haven't had to do that? There's sure a heck of a lot of better role models out there If that's being judgmental, well then I think being judgmental is fine.
Well his toupée inspires me to figure out what form of magical glue he uses.
You should've added Nelson Mandela as an example, also!
Haha does his recent death elevate his status now? But no seriously, I'm just messing with you, there are literally tons of relevant people that OP could have mentioned but didn't, none really that much more important than the others.
Yeah, people like to forget Nelson Mandela advocated violence and communism and was a terrorist. His stand for equal rights is very admirable, but using violence to get what you want should never be admired or respected.
well, now we can stop saying 'gosh today's generation' because idiots have existed for a long long time
You shouldn't be upset because other people don't have the same opinions as you. Maybe money matters to them and you don't know their story
Be glad it was not Miley Cyrus!
#13 If that was the case, the whole world would be twerking on the hood of their cars.
13- Your profile picture is awesome! I have that poster on my wall.
#46 You are very lucky! Queen is an amazing band!

I guess his hair could inspire 60 year old men to brush their 3 remaining hairs over their bald head instead of just giving up and wearing a hat or toupee...
well, now we can stop saying 'gosh today's generation' because idiots have existed for a long long time