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By Anonymous - 01/06/2016 16:21 - India

Today, a few weeks after moving back to my home country, I found out my diploma isn't recognized here. The only training provider I can find that can upgrade it to something valid wants another 2 years of my life, 500 hours of work experience and $16,000. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 975
You deserved it 1 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's a YDI if your plan from the begining was to move back home, you should always check that kind of stuff out so you're sure it's valid in the country you're planning on moving to.

Mathalamus 24

it sucks, but that's how its like. especially in America. i figure its because of massively different standards of training. that's why you must study in your home country, if you want to work in your home country.


ohthebloodygore 16

this is why technology is a bad idea for companies. OP looking at their mother's Facebook page is creepy/perverted saying Texas incest jokes is racist against Texans OP uses condoms with their partner? Weird they're married!

tarlax 11

That's totally nonsensical gibberish, yet it still made way more sense than #1 thinking his comment was a good idea. Idiot.

ohthebloodygore 16

So what you're saying is you love me and #1 is an idiot? I'm fluent in nonsensical gibberish so is my best friend Hamy, a reptilian hamster.

That sucks I'm so sorry OP... Hopefully a better opportunity comes your way...

That sucks OP. I've never heard of that though. I hope you figure out something so your Diploma doesn't go to waste.

Mathalamus 24

it sucks, but that's how its like. especially in America. i figure its because of massively different standards of training. that's why you must study in your home country, if you want to work in your home country.

ohthebloodygore 16

That's not how it usually goes. I came to America to get a degree and once I go back home not only is it fully acceptable, it's considered better than any degree gotten in my home country. The pay is better, job opportunities are better etc. I'm sure OP figured the same would happen. I think it usually only happens in America where they believe degrees from other countries are worthless or of very little value.

Mathalamus 24

its not just in America. pretty much any developed country would think that degrees from lesser nations are worthless, due to different standards, different teaching methods, being unable to verify the degree, and, in rare cases, the university stopped existing.

ohthebloodygore 16

Usually a developed country allows degrees to be used so long as it's from a respectable institute and another developed country. I'm not talking about going to North Korea for a degree back in England or something. Unless OP went to some shady university in a "shady" country, that's bullshit. Most of Europe and Australia accept degrees from other countries. As well as the non-developed countries, they embrace anyone who goes out of their way to get an education in a better country. As I said, I've usually only come across this in America or if the person went to a completely shitty school where the country is known not to have the best or most challenging curriculum.

#12 tell that to the Egyptian taxi driver that told me he was a doctor of biology back home in Egypt, from one of their best universities. He came to Europe because he had to leave Egypt as his political views meant his life was in danger. He had hoped to be able to work as a biologist but his diploma wasn't recognised. This doctor of biology couldn't even find work as a lab assistent, thus driving taxis. What a waste of brain power. I, on the other hand, am struggling to finish my degree because I moved from one province of my country to the next to live with my hubby when I got pregnant. The one university doesn't recognize half of the courses I took at the other one despite the curriculum being almost identical. I didn't even leave my country.

OP is from India, not America. If it was the other way around (American studying in India and finds out his degree is refused) it might've made sense. But I guess we have to wait to find out where OP studied.

But the biologist wasn't really looking for a professional career in medicine, just a job as a lab assistant. It seems that postgraduate academic qualifications would suffice for that...

demonpuppeh 10

If it's any consolation, my towns tech college doesn't accept half the courses from the university, despite the university courses neon vastly more challenging

Sorry OP, but unfortunately that's the way things are. Although there are a few technical and medical jobs in India that actually do accept degrees from Europe and the US although they are very few. Good luck OP!

It's a YDI if your plan from the begining was to move back home, you should always check that kind of stuff out so you're sure it's valid in the country you're planning on moving to.

aesthetic umbrella 18

I completely agree. It's common knowledge that different countries have different policies and standards, whether it be a diploma or relating to economic things. OP planned the situation out better. Unless the move was an emergency or required (which I doubt), OP should have looked into it more and decided if it was good or not. I still kind of feel bad for OP though. Hope everything goes okay.

It's a YDI if your plan from the begining was to move back home, you should always check that kind of stuff out so you're sure it's valid in the country you're planning on moving to.

Something similar happened to me when I switched pimps. Despite the illustrious street credit I'd gained, I had to retake the written, oral, anal, etc. exams. It was really rough.

Hate to be this person, but honestly, look this shit up before ever moving. You deserved this, if for no other reason than lack of logic.

This is one of those moments where I'm happy I can vote YDI and FYL. Sorry to hear OP.