By cmolloy - 21/12/2011 14:40 - Ireland

Today, I texted a friend offering my condolences over the death of his grandfather. He hadn't been told his grandfather had died yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 346
You deserved it 4 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hippityhopp 2
flockz 19

"erm..... i uh, i meant your grandfather clock.... uh ya it fell over and died." then run.


cptmorgan6 8

Although it wouldn't have made a difference, you don't text those kinds of things. You should have at least had the decency to make a phone call, if not visit him.

it mightnt have been a close friend that he calls regularly. Imagine how stressed you would get if each and every one of your relatives, friends, colleagues rang you while still grieving.

NullPointer 20

I don't see why everything thinks you need to call about everything. If it were me I'd want family to call, my best friends to either call or text (probably text asking if I wanted to talk about it in person or something), but other people I'd expect to just text. If you've never called me before and we only see each other every once in a while, it would be weird to get a phone call from you, and it would be annoying to get a hundred phone calls.

jjames67 4

sucks, that's why you keep your mouth shut unless you know for sure you aren't gonna share something they didn't know. I found out my grandma died over Facebook. it sucks finding out that day.

NullPointer 20

I assume you mean "that way". I would want to find out that day. Who wants to find out that their family member died a week ago?

xSonic 9

Awww that sucks....well it couldn't have been kept from him much longer probably

luvliidee21 5

does it really matter who told him? He was going to find out sooner or later. Im sure he's more upset that his grandfather is gone rather than who told him.

You were at least trying to do the right thing..don't worry about it

tootsie68 22

Well, he was going to get the news eventually! Sorry though

perdix 29

"Well, brace yourself, it's going to happen pretty soon. LOL :D"

perdix 29

Thanks, MrMisfit, it particularly tickled me to add the LOL at the end.

Snafuusmc 12

Poor guy I guess it's better to hear from a friend than a stranger.

RS795 8

The same thing happened to me a few years ago when my grandma died. :(

bad news always travel at speed of light