By bittersweet - 08/02/2009 03:08 - United States
Top comments
Are you kidding me?? Some friends they are. Drop them.
hahaha.. Glad to see he thinks it's funny.. He just became a Dad.. for life..
ya sad thing is something really similar has happened to me. not fun, I know how u feel
Probly just his friend arseing around.
your response: bye!
Fml at the story but wtf is with the cartoon? LOL
haha yea thats the truth................... but seriously kick his ass to the curb
I agree with like everyone atleast ur not preggo and u found out directly from ur bf so u didn't figure it out after he got u and ur bff preggo
That's what I would do, 1. Seriously?! That really sucks and I hope you find someone worth your time, OP.
hey you deserve it for freakin sending your boyfriend one worders. you suck
tell him HIS best friend got YOU pregnant
Tell him: I got YOU'RE best friend pregnant.....
339 OP is a girl , I don't think she can get anyone pregnant?
but try spell your right
Tell him his bestfriend hot you pregnat
OP Sure it would suck to be pregnant at an early age but they did kinda do it to themselves. And if the FML poster is really the pregnant Gil's best friend then they will support they're friend no matter what the cost.
400- just made me crack up.
What. A. B*tch.
Holly *** leern haw 2 spel!
Number 400 that's all I have to say .
preggo threesomes are hot
lol !!! that's the best thing I've ever read on fml.. comments are soo much more entertaining
sachlbedabomb is who I mean
this is why I hate old men!
297- incest is the best, pit youre brother to the test
dude, u have been on FML saying masterbating is evil and bullshit like tht. now ur saying preggo threesomes r hot? get ur priorities straightcperv
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywaygot to meet this guy xD
omg u r such an idiot!!!!!! y would u ever do that??????
.......So how was your day? ????
I hope that was sarcasm.
Awesomely douchey maybe...
Your not.
Wow, I don't think I've ever seen so many down votes!
Well, at least 2.
And definitely a new best friend.
what an ass, i'd punch him if i were you
No, the op is a girl.. She should kicked him in the no-nos area.
He's already got a kid that he probably won't be able to support, might as well kick him hard in the nuts.
#486- yeah, make sure he cant have any MORE kids
That is still domestic abuse. If OP was a man and his girlfriend did something bad and someone commented punch her, it'd get moderated and they would get banned.
More like fuckshitttt!!!
Everyone is talking about the boyfriend. What about the **** "best friend?" Go.
Agree with you, who should she be more angry at? Her boyfriend or her best friend? I don't know but both are equally retarded.
agreed! manwhore and *****. perfect for each other. FYL OP!! Seriously, find better people to be around cuz I've been there, done that with bad relationships. trust ne it's just not worth it :(
How can you betray your best friend so deeply? I Would Yell at her a while then find a new best friend , poor you OP!!
Thing is, thé boy friend HAD a responsibility to her... Not thé slutty friend!!
The responsibility falls on the boyfriend and the best friend. Best friends are supposed to have your back, not sleep with your boyfriend. So both are at fault. You can't blame just the boyfriend. They both ****** up.
ahahahaha thats actually kinda funny if you think about it, but seriously what anon said, don't waste peoples time and money with "hi"
I agree 100%
I would have gone into cardiac arrest upon getting that text.
So would I.. That is absolutley terrible.. can you imagine?? :(
268, are you serious? If so try Google.
i agree with #19... wow.. well at least he didnt get YOU pregnant. His and your "best friend's" life is ****** now. So be angry and move on. I would laugh SO hard.. after i got over the fact that i had a shitty best friend and boyfriend.. closest people to you. I love karma! Omg seriously.. laugh in her face...

Are you kidding me?? Some friends they are. Drop them.
Everyone is talking about the boyfriend. What about the **** "best friend?" Go.