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By overthehorizon - 27/07/2009 17:25 - United States

Today, I thought I would surprise my dad by mowing our entire 2 acre lawn. When he got home, instead of being grateful like I had hoped, he yelled at me for cutting in vertical lines instead of horizontal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 553
You deserved it 4 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lifeislife_fml 0

Do it in spirals next time!

For being ungrateful, you should punish him by mowing a giant penis into the yard,,, or if you want to be really mean,, you could make that original penis, label it "average", and then mow in a comparably small one and label it "Dad/his actual name" (by labeling, I mean you mow the words average and dad/his actual name below the respective penises) and then take a picture of both from the roof of your house and send them to all his know acquaintances (from an anonymous email address) and then mow the areas around them to hide your handiword


Well aren't you just such a male chauvinist.

Baroness542 6

27: If you're gonna troll, at least get some new material. Seriously. You say the same thing with slightly different wording every single time you comment. It's getting old.

i am going to kill you, jandersoniii

brrrx 0

How big is an acre? YDI for using an idiotic measuring system. Go much smarter and easier. Plus, hate to point out that it's what the rest of the world is doing.

That's exactly why jandersoniii doesn't matter. He is so unoriginal it's funny. I mean... "a woman's place is blahblahblah"? Yeah welcome to the 21st century, lol. It's so outrageous it isn't even offensive. Moral of the story: don't feed the trolls.

AngryC4t 0

I would have told him to just look at the lawn from a different angle for a couple of weeks, and to go **** himself.

fucklifeee 0

you should really burn slowly.

cooliekid 0

would you prefer hearing 4046.9 metres squared? don't be a douche everyone WORLDWIDE measures land in acres and hectacres.. if you didn't pick up basis knowledge in elementary school SUCKS TO BE YOU

you're a dick head. and you disgust me. :/

Man, the responses trolls get today are hilarious! Jandersoniii's flip on views is brilliant. (:

yeah if you are going to troll ue some variety instead of saying the same things

That is where you are incredibly wrong. 1) Our way of measurement isn't idiotic for you failing to consider taking a good look at it. In fact that comment was extremely ignorant. 2) I actually think its awesome that we have a different system, since it distinguishes us from everyone else therefore is unique. 3) Did you ever consider that our system might be better to us? Just because everyones doing it doesn't mean we have to. You have your opinion and I respect that, but who are YOU to state something so obnoxious? Consider those opinions that are around you. I know some person said this on this website (and thanks to who ever did) but I don't remember who but he/she said," Your mind is like a parachute: its useless if its not open." 4) Trust me though: THINK BEFORE YOU TYPE NEXT TIME.

It's 2009 now, Douche bag. Women can do whatever the hell they want.

#51: They were porbably sold the house as having 2 acres of garden and not a metric measurement. You can't just tell people to use a metric equalivent if they don't know it or it is a strange number.

Thanks for feeding the troll, dumbass.

perryscherry 0
perryscherry 0

You are unbelievable... I find that highly offensive... You jackass... Are you some sort of Taliban supporter or something? (Not that the Taliban even remotely represent the muslim community)

@ 109 & 68: No offence, but you are SOO american for thinking having a different measuring system makes you "unique". Can you kindly explain to me how exactly it is that that is a good thing? (Different isn't always "special" or "unique", contrary to what Sesame Street may have taught you.). And seeing how having a different system does obvious disadvatages, while you "don't have to do something just because someone else does it", it isn't a shame to sometimes take ideas from someone else. Even if that someone else is pretty much the ENTIRE rest of the world. And I can't believe how much you were offended by his comment. Is using inches THAT important to your culture that suggesting it makes no sense is "obnoxious" to you? "Accepting" other measuring systems isn't exactly what the average person would include in having an "open mind". Besides, it really doesn't matter how (or how much) you look at it, the simple base-10 metric system is MUCH more convenient. And 68 - no, moron, it would have been easier to say 8km^2. You're an idiot for thinking the 46.9 really matter. Last but not least, do you think THAT is what makes someone ignorant? You're such a protoype Sarah Silverman yuppie. Peace out.

well **** off ya dumbcunt dickrider, the elementary school's effed up curriculum not teaching me acres and and shit

lizzi02 13

blah...i'm an american, but sometimes i think it would be a lot easier to use the metric system... i dont think what we use is "better" or "special", i'm indifferent. it's just a lot harder sometimes with conversions, because i have to learn both the american system and the metric system. I'm not complaining about it btw. just my point of view.

blkwhtrbbt 0

104: who on earth are you talking to? btw, praying that another soul goes to hell is a oneway ticket to get there.

blkwhtrbbt 0

we have two hundred solid years of tradition in the weatern system. you closed your statement with a phrase with American origins, you use an American invention: the computer. you probably have lightbulbs, a tv, phones. the American system has worked, why fix something that isn't broken?

you idiots are arguing about which system of measurement is better. find something else to argue about, this is just sad

Well what the hell were you thinking??

Ox_Baker 0

No shit! Never **** with a man's lawn. Most people who have large lawns actually enjoy mowing them.

If you live on a hill its better to do it horizontally cuz mowing up or down hill is bad for the mower

2 acres wtf who has a lawn that big

my lawn is 2 acres... Though 4 does seem really big for a lawn...

My mom, my dad, my grandma, and I all have lawns that big.

bortzy93 0

i dont know how many acres but it takes me four ******* hours to mow our place.

cooliekid 0

I have 2 acres of land as my backyard maybe the OP is rich.. lives in the UK come on its not impossible just because you don't have the luxury of having that much land doesn't mean its a lie

Siren_00 0

We have 10 acres. 2 acres is nothing.

I used to live on 2 1/2 acres and it's large but nothing special. I know a lot of people that own several more acres of land and families that own farms in the hundreds of acres.

blahdeblah8392 0

my boyfriend's property is 32 acres. given that 16 of it is woods, that's still a big yard.

Since when is two acres big? You must all live in the city or something. My parents land is 22 acres and we're far from rich. It takes us at least 6 hours to mow it with a ride on mower.

2 acres really isn't that big. I have 10 acres and I don't it's that big.

Try 327 acres. I'm in charge of mowing all of it twice a month.

I know... I live in a small apartment with no lawn.

ryoga 0

I would have yelled at you for not doing a spiral.

For being ungrateful, you should punish him by mowing a giant penis into the yard,,, or if you want to be really mean,, you could make that original penis, label it "average", and then mow in a comparably small one and label it "Dad/his actual name" (by labeling, I mean you mow the words average and dad/his actual name below the respective penises) and then take a picture of both from the roof of your house and send them to all his know acquaintances (from an anonymous email address) and then mow the areas around them to hide your handiword

fancycake 0

Sounds like you have a little too much experience in the revenge area..

a1mostevi1 0

FYI, if there's one thing I've learned from FML, it's don't draw/carve/etc penises in anything. Something bad WILL happen.

Today, I woke up and my cell phone had over 57 messages all saying things like "hahaha", "LAWL", "XD", etc. to a forward message I sent. Being curious since I rarely send forwards, I decided to look on the message. It was a message with a picture taken from my rooftop with 2 penises my daughter drew on my lawn. One was labled as "Average" and was really big. Guess how the other one was labled? FML

WitchCirce 0

Sounds like your dad's an asshole. My sympathies.

fancycake 0

Just move him over 90 degrees. Tadah! Horizontal!

GreatAwakening 0

especially with a name like fancycake c:

TenchiMasaki 0

on the other hand, who cuts vertical lines when they mow the lawn? that's just lazy. if you're not gonna do it right, don't do it at all.

greenltrn2003 0

what? how is that being lazy...either way its still 2 acres. it really sucks that people are stupid

Move out. He doesn't appreciate you anyway, and he never will.