By Daralea - 28/09/2011 17:54 - Canada

Today, I timed my walk to work perfectly so that I avoided getting sprayed by the rotating sprinklers along the street. As soon as I successfully passed the last sprinkler, a bus sped by me, hit a puddle, and covered me head to toe in muddy water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 385
You deserved it 3 464

Daralea tells us more.

They always do, and I don't know why. They even have it aimed at the sidewalks half the time.


Prolly made everybodys day where you work lol

doof234 0

I bet you have lots of time on your hands.

No, no, no. It's up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, enter, left click!

Should of washed the "muddy water" off in the sprinklers.

oops_im_fucked 8

Now you have to run through the sprinklers on purpose to look half way decent

scottgeo 0

Shit happens. Walk back through the sprinklers to get the mud off.

alazyguy 9

try walking on the other side of the road if possible and you can avoid sprinklers and buses.