By Daralea - 28/09/2011 17:54 - Canada

Today, I timed my walk to work perfectly so that I avoided getting sprayed by the rotating sprinklers along the street. As soon as I successfully passed the last sprinkler, a bus sped by me, hit a puddle, and covered me head to toe in muddy water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 385
You deserved it 3 464

Daralea tells us more.

They always do, and I don't know why. They even have it aimed at the sidewalks half the time.


Haha that's like something that happens in movies:P

Lol I thought that only happened in movies haha. Sucks for u...

HerMajestyy 4

Suuuucks Well next time don't avoid the sprinklers

KittehSayzRAWR 0

That's why I bring an extra pair of clothes with me.

IamMe95 5

So walk in reverse and enter the sprinklers! Public shower!! :3

I read and thought: that must be Ottawa... Is it?