By Anonymous - 11/12/2009 06:23 - Canada

Today, I told a customer at the drive-thru I couldn't hear him as he had his music blaring too loud. The customer then drove to the window and verbally abused me for listening to my iPod at work. My "iPod" is the headset we use to take orders at the drive-thru. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 160
You deserved it 2 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seem McDonalds customers aren't smarter than the employees...

YayAmerica 0

Ugh. Customers do suck sometimes. I work at a movie theater during school breaks and I've wanted to shove a few faces in the popper myself. Bright side: even if the customer complained to your manager, there would be no ignoring what an idiot he was being.


customers can be assholes sometimes but unfortunately it's your job to serve. hope ur working towards a better job.

Don't spit in the food or drink. You could get in big trouble$$ like this gal did here in town. She got caught when the customer opened his drink and found a big wad of her mucus floating on top. $$$

Wow, was it his first time going through a drive-thru?

The service industry SUUUUUCCCCCKKKSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!

Where's the FML? Just "apologize" and take his order like a good little lackey, and as promptly LYAO at the numb-nut after he's gone.

xxdakotaxx 0

You shoulda pulled that tub of idiot through the window shoved his face in the fryer and asked him if he wanted fries and a shake with that.

merryhappy1887 20

yeah, i work at mcdonald's. the customers are the WORST! i've had some awful people yell at me for stupider things then that. there's a train that goes by right behind the building, and it's impossible to hear anyone on the headset. this dip shit pulled up to the window & freaked out on me for 'ignoring' a customer. so, **** them. lol.

nschulz0278 0

hey w.e as a mcd's manager ive seen a lot more stupid things. especially when people get mad because they cant order their own food rights.

I work at Joann fabrics I had some lady yell at me for being onthe "phone" it was the store radio we all have to wear.