By Anonymous - 11/12/2009 06:23 - Canada

Today, I told a customer at the drive-thru I couldn't hear him as he had his music blaring too loud. The customer then drove to the window and verbally abused me for listening to my iPod at work. My "iPod" is the headset we use to take orders at the drive-thru. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 160
You deserved it 2 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seem McDonalds customers aren't smarter than the employees...

YayAmerica 0

Ugh. Customers do suck sometimes. I work at a movie theater during school breaks and I've wanted to shove a few faces in the popper myself. Bright side: even if the customer complained to your manager, there would be no ignoring what an idiot he was being.


drewbaca 0

my brother in law was a supervisor at home depot and had many customer complaints...his response to the bigger dicks when they were messing with his cashiers was "sir/ma'am my cashier makes 7 dollars an hours, how long do you think they are going to let you verbally abuse them when it is clearly your fault, before they jump over the counter and beat your ass" he was offered the assistant manager positions about every other week for two years and his own store twice. Basically dont take shit from anyone especially if it is their own fault. People should be greatful for your service. I couldnt do it but i am glad people do. If you ever get tipped with a two dollar bill in texas or ohio, that is me

ihatestupidppl 0

Your brother-in-law is awesome, I wish my manager was like that. We always have to give in to customers' stupid demands, even though they are clearly wrong. Because apparently our customers (at Victoria's Secret) can all read the word "FREE!", but that's where their literacy ends. God forbid they would be able to comprehend our return policy. "What do you mean you won't take back my disgusting, dirty, clearly worn bra?!" Sigh. Can your brother-in-law come run our store? :)

lol send it to that site can probably cheer you up, too.

What a dumbass! Wow, he sure had an amazing comeback!

Don't let it get to you, honey. This guy was an idiot, and we all have to deal with idiot customers every once in a while. MOST people, in my experience, are awesome. But some people are just looking to go off on someone. He probably felt stupid for driving up with the music blaring, didn't like it being pointed out, and wanted to make you look like the stupid one instead. Or he could just be crazy. Whatever the case, you didn't do anything wrong. P.S. Other people have mentioned it, but definitely check out I always get a laugh from that site!

prettybrwneyes16 0

haha I work at mcdz, that kinda thing happens to me all the time. not really an fml though...

FTCL for not even knowing what an Ipod or Ipod headphones look like. There would be an obvious wire, etc. Plus, shouldn't you be talking into for the other orders?

varkey 7

spit in his food or pee in it lol

i would feel bad for you, if you hadnt of used the words "verbally abused" lmao