By sabrinatarmine_ - 22/07/2013 02:35 - United States - Carmel Valley

Today, I told my boyfriend I had diabetes. He won't talk to me anymore because he thinks I'll infect him with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 624
You deserved it 4 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Text him or something to convince him to talk to you. Try to explain to him what it is. If he doesnt understand or doesnt care, dump his ass.

Tell him you don't wanna catch his stupid.


He seems pretty ignorant if he thinks he can just get infected. I'm really sorry OP.

As a diabetic myself I can understand your pain of having someone not understand what it is. If he's not willing to listen and find out more about diabetes then he's not worth your time.

As a fellow diabetic I completely agree with you

1/ He refuses to talk to you because you're sick 2/ He's dumb enough to think that diabetes is contagious I'd say it's time to rejoice over the end of this relationship.

Wowxoxo 17

Diabetes is contagious in a sense for type 2 diabetes is a result of a person's lifestyle and OP's lifestyle may influence what her boyfriend eats.. You see this all the time with obese parents feeding their soon-to-be obese kids McDonald's. Nonetheless the way the FML is written, FYL OP (for the diabetes and the bf)

RedPillSucks 31

One doesn't have to be obese to get diabetes

monnanon 13

@35 that is got to be one of the silliest things i have ever read. nothing about diabetes is contagious, hereditary maybr but not contagious.

Lady_Face 12

What if OP has type 1? And just because you're obese does not mean you WILL get type 2 diabetes.

football98_fml 20

he probably thinks youre full of sh*t

think about who you're stuck with right now. since he didn't know you had diabetes, Im assuming your relationship hasn't been for very long, so you could dump him without feeling bad.

that's not a fair assumption, what if she just learned she has diabetes as well? That said though I personally think she should ditch him, I mean that relationship is pretty one sided if he can't even be bothered with a quick Google search. Most people can even manage that from their phone.

I agree with #61. My dad has only been recently diagnosed with diabetes, and I've been around him for well.. My entire life. It can happen at any time.

never thought that through! good points guys

Oh honey, if your boyfriend is that ignorant, you might want to get a new one, or at least educate him.

Dump him and find someone who isn't stupid my mother has type two Diabetes and if I nor my father and siblings caught it chances are its not one of those diseases you can catch in short research should be something you do before assuming you can catch a disease someone has

it's actually NOT a disease you can catch.

How about some punctuation. A period? Comma? Please?

Wow, maybe do some research yourself there, genius. Your own mother has diabetes, and you're saying "chances are" it's not contagious? There's no chance about it! It's not contagious! Period!

when i started going out with my boyfriend he was the same, i have multiple sclerosis and he was convinced he could get it off me.... a few google searches later and that shut him up! 7 years later we're still together and he brings me to all my hospital appointment... its just a matter of sitting him down and talking to him about it. its new to him.

Yeah but did your boyfriend refuse to talk to you when he found out?

well no, but i still think its more that he's scared of something he doesn't understand more than anything else. she needs to get him to sit down and talk about it or it could just be that he's a total prick!

I am going with the total prick option...

ive lucked out with partners who took the initiation to do the research since im pre diabetic. just suggest he look into the American diabetes association or other similar sites. if he refuses to educate himself on a disease that is affecting a supposed loved one then id move on.

Ali_Br_fml 33

I'm glad your partners took the initiative and did some research. Too bad not all partners are like that...

Well, OP, that's bloody awful! No sugar for the idiot BF! At least you can treat and manage diabetes! Your poor BF is infected with a bad case of stupid and there's just no cure for that.... I'd suggest a healthy diet of a better BF as a way to keep you insulinated against the sweet sweet stupidity of your ex....

Puns intended? Sugar is obvious, but treat is not