By forever damaged - 21/12/2015 04:24 - United States - Wallkill

Today, while I was working at a gas station, a man came up to the register with his zipper undone and his penis hanging out in full view. I had to awkwardly hand him his change while trying not to look or make eye contact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 707
You deserved it 1 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've said something! Isn't there a law against public indecency?

How does someone not notice that? Wouldn't it be cold?


How does someone not notice that? Wouldn't it be cold?

I would imagine it was done purposefully.

I would've definitely told him to get the **** out or I'm calling the cops.

FryingPanHero 11

They must live in Florida (if they're in the states).

thatguy240 27

The cold never bothered him anyway

Pretty hard to "accidentally" hang your junk out.

oj101 33

Perhaps he was trying to air it out.

You should have said "awwww does the little guy want a treat" while holding out a dog biscuit.

incoherentrmblr 21

I would've told him, "Keep the change ya filthy animal..."

Isn't that, like, indecent exposure or something?

You should've said something! Isn't there a law against public indecency?

If it was on purpose yes, accidental no.

countryb_cth 38

Pretty sure if you accidentally leave your dick hanging out all day they can still arrest you for indecent exposure. Really don't think the police would care if it was on purpose or accidental.

You should have told him or called the police. What if there were kids around? There's no way he didn't notice that.

I would have called the police. he could be charged with indecent exposure.

MonstreBelle 29

I hope you reported it to the police, especially since you have evidence of it on security footage. Indecent exposure is a crime. There is no way having his dick completely hanging out through his zipper was an accident. I really hope there weren't any kids around.

Sex offender in a lot of cases. Doing it so far from a school, playground and some others I think.