By sabrinatarmine_ - 22/07/2013 02:35 - United States - Carmel Valley

Today, I told my boyfriend I had diabetes. He won't talk to me anymore because he thinks I'll infect him with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 626
You deserved it 4 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Text him or something to convince him to talk to you. Try to explain to him what it is. If he doesnt understand or doesnt care, dump his ass.

Tell him you don't wanna catch his stupid.


He should research it...then he can help you with it unless it's minor...

I wonder how stupid peoples like OP boyfriend can hook up with somebody... Atleast you just dodged that bullet OP, Move on.

JudgeComrade 17

He sounds so very sweet, you probably got it from him in the first place.

Ask yourself this OP, do you really want to be with a guy who's THAT stupid? Come on! It's 2013! What moron thinks Diabetes is contagious?!?

1. Why would you tell him AFTER you became a couple? I think it's better to tell beforehand. I told my now boyfriend when we were friends, so I could see if he could handle it. 2. Dump him either way. If it's type 1 like me, it won't go away, and I doubt he can handle that.

monnanon 13

she probably found out after they started dating.

Is he a teenager? I know some people are ignorant of diseases, but really?!

Poetaster 10

Good thing you told him niw before he infected you with his severe case of Stupidity eh?