By kaitylait - 19/08/2011 00:59 - Canada

Today, I told my dad I was going to the gym. He stood up and clapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 534
You deserved it 11 127

Same thing different taste

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Haha, sounds like something my dad would do!

dad: stands up and claps mom?: no comment ._. what? Can anyone tell me where the FML is here? I don't see anything wrong with a supportive parent. I could see my dad doing the same thing if I told him I was going to a gym and I wouldn't think of his reaction as mean. Meh, whatever. YDI for complaining about a positive situation.

xaviergroup 0

It must be a rare event for you to go up the gym fatty. You should have been ashamed with every clap of his hands.

Time to get rid of them cellulite ^^ I'm so that I will never become fat ;D