By Discouraged despite my effort - 15/12/2016 18:27

Today, I told my future MIL that we couldn't see her on Christmas because I have to work that day passing out gifts to elderly patients, but that I would call off work to travel to see her any day after. That isn't good enough, so she asked my fiance to spend Christmas without me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 249
You deserved it 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your fiancé should have a talk with her because she clearly doesn't appreciate what you are trying to do.

dannidoll93 24

Thank you for giving up your Christmas to bring joy to others, and sorry your mother in law doesn't appreciate what you're doing. That said, can't your fiancé spend time with his mother until you finish work? Could you join them after your shift? Seems as though there are some work-arounds here (unless MIL is a long distance away in which case I agree she is being unfair)


I know in our family we see at as once you're married you're obligated to go to all holiday functions together or not at all. Until then, there's flexibility to come and go on your own to some degree when needed. If you're working, why not let him visit family this Christmas while you're working? You'll have the rest of your lives together, while your MIL will likely lose more and more time on Christmas day with him, particularly with splitting time with other in-laws and possibly children in the future. But I agree with everyone, this does require a lot more information to make a firm verdict.

Unless you have kids of your own, I don't see what the big deal is. You can stand to be apart for one day while he celebrates with his family... especially since you'll be working anyway.

I don't see the problem. Why shouldn't he spend Christmas with his family?

Not seeing the problem here. You're going to be at work. You expect your fiance to stay home alone?

Why can't they just come and visit you? Bring you food and such?

SteelSoul5 9

I sure hope he didn't comply, otherwise that ends in divorce.