By Anonymous - 12/03/2012 16:45 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Hurtingincanada - 17/10/2018 05:00
By Sickofbeingsick - 01/10/2011 05:17 - United States
Happy New 2024
By HurtsToBreathe - 01/01/2024 03:00 - United States - Fairfax
Bachelor party
By Anonymous - 07/02/2020 18:00
By Bride to be - 19/05/2017 10:00 - United States - Dayton
Soooooooo late 2020
By Anonymous - 17/05/2024 00:00 - United States - Van Nuys
By Anonymous - 14/05/2011 13:17 - United Kingdom
By ekoblick - 17/06/2011 04:34 - United States
We meet again
By not again - 08/04/2023 04:00 - United States - Rochester
By stuck - 11/08/2010 12:01 - Australia
Top comments
Shit happens. Maybe you can reschedule?
Who would vote for YDI? Like, OP even though you have absolutely no power over nature and your stomach flue, it's still your fault for not being at fault! :s
Orgasmic Platypus
At least it wasn't your actual wedding day. That would suck.
Ovary Punchers
64 - BOO 67 - wow?
Awww, don't worry, you can have it some other time:) they wouldn't throw it without you afterall
I don't like when you comment, you look psychotic in your picture. Caption: "Mmm, children you say?"
SRSLY? Why would you say that?
Sounds like a.... *Puts on sunglasses* Shitty Situation! YEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH!
Your bachelorette party can be easily rescheduled. It's not like it's as important as the actual wedding. Calling it off last minute wont hurt anything. As for your wedding shower...well, same thing.
I agree with you about the bachelorette party, since it's usually a huge "girl's night" out. But as far as the wedding shower? That's most likely more formal and cost money on food, decorations and such.
#17 I agree with you about the wedding shower being more formal, however I doubt most people would actually take time off work for a wedding shower, so to me that shouldn't be a huge inconvenience . I don't know much about that whole process though, so maybe it's just me.
Wow op, you're such a party pooper. You couldn't handle a little bronchitis and stomach flu?
i really hope you were joking.
Obviously he is joking. So many people can't get sarcasm these days.
That sucks.
Nothing you can do about that :/
Actually, although we don't know the circumstances, there's plenty she could do. She could still go to her bachelorette party and her wedding shower. She could take antibiotics. She could go see a doctor. She could lay in a chamomile bath.(For the bronchitis.) Etc... There's plenty she COULD do.. It's just a matter of doing it. :) Just being technically realistic about it...
I meant there's not much you can do about the bad luck of having that crap before a bachelorette party. There was little chance of predicting it.
Oh no! Well if you want, you can still have a stomach shower. Wouldn't smell great, and everyone would be covered in vomit, but still, it's a shower!
Well, if you threw up on the stripper your bachelor party got for you... You could pass it off as just being really committed to your husband!

I say you still have the bachelorette party and shower. For the party you and your friends can go to the pharmacy and buy you cough syrup and Pepto Bismol for the shower. Then you can all get drunk on the cough syrup and play fun party games like "Try to Puke in the Toilet" and "Cleanup on Aisle 6!"
Says the damn hipster....