By Anonymous - 09/11/2009 04:13 - United States

Today, I told the woman that I've had a crush on for some time how I felt. She laughed so hard that water sprayed from her nose and hit me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 608
You deserved it 2 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cerebellum_fml 0

Her losing fluids for you is a good thing buddy. Its a wonderful thing.


mizanonymous 0

op there are girls with more control of their bodily fluids out there. And wetdream... Get help. Get lots of help.

Could be worse, when my dad first asked out my mom she kicked him in the nuts.

cadillacgal79 32

What happened to just blushing?

So how you feeling now? (after telling her your feelings) So did you even know this person?

the big question that everyone seems to be missing is... was she actually drinking something or did water randomly shoot out her nose?

You're in luck... women always say they want a guy who can make them laugh.

lulz thats funny. I hope you got revenge.

razzlemyfrazzle 0

how is is that possible to have that much nose power to squirt water all over your face??? o.e