By stevenr579 - 23/01/2013 23:33 - Canada - North Vancouver

Today, I took a taxi ride with my friends. As we were getting out, I paid the taxi driver. With a grin, he drove away fast. It turns out my friend had already paid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 936
You deserved it 7 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Observation and critical thinking, skills to have.

oj101 33

I can't help but picture that it's a black and white movie, and him sleazily grinning with his fedora hat tipped down, with a shadow across half his face, and he zooms off in his Model T down the city.


Nice to see people tipping at 100% value of the bill even in today's economy.

Don't worry OP. I bet you can spare those $10 he made off with.

Eh? If I had a tenner nicked off me I'd be well pissed off! That's nearly a week's worth of shopping for me! Not everyone has money to burn, mate.

I don't live in a city.. So a cab ride is more than 10.00 just to come to my house to pick me up.. It's more than $10 to go 3 miles.. So ehh.

I'm sure you'll think of a way to get him back. If not, try licking your hand, then slapping his face. People hate that.

Makes me feel like a Jedi when I do that. I can show you I have the force! :D

I am very confused, I assume you were the last to get out of the taxi seeing as you were the one that handed him money right before he drove off. But if that was the case how did you miss him being paid by your friend? I'm saying YDI it on this one, you can't rely on other people to be honest, you need to be observant about these things.

"Here's something extra for being the prettiest cab driver in town!"

caysters 12

You deserve it. That is kinda something you need to discuss ahead of time.

Just call the company, you might be able to get your money back

Hope he gets sick from eating anything he bought from that unlawful earning