By still had to pay - 23/12/2012 21:36 - Australia

Today, I took my 5-year old daughter to get a photo taken with Santa, when she asked the dreaded question of why this Santa looked different from one at the other store. Before I could placate her, some cunt of a kid yelled, "Because he's not real, dumbass!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 575
You deserved it 6 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sound like something a friend of mine would do

pichu172b 7

You're a liar and you get upset when you're called out. That kid is more mature than you. Grow up.

I don't understand why everyone is encouraging OP to lie on the Santa stuff or giving smack about the other kid being truthful. OP YDI for lying to your kid. It also teaches kids to be humble when they actually realize their parents are the ones getting them a gift and not a made up fat white man.

So when your kid is being a howler monkey, it's just expressing itself but when it's another kid, it's a ****. Breeders really DO only care for their own spawn!

He must've been jealous that he never got to see Santa.

Tackle the kid and then call it what it is(the tackling). The protection of your sisters sanity. Police won't do a thing 'bout it.

ed_1505 6

A kid - a KID - saying that is not nice but also normal. What is not is calling a child a ****