By FML - 04/09/2015 16:27 - United States - Maricopa

Today, I took my boyfriend to a family dinner. It went well, until my dad got drunk and started telling everyone about how "midgets" are assholes and are ruining America. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 700
You deserved it 1 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely not something he should've said, however I'm sure your boyfriend will understand that you can't be held responsible for your father's ignorance. Sorry about your dinner, OP!


91hayek 31

I would have just started with puns about his "short-temper" and how he needs to "take things down a notch." Make him fury road.

He might have been negatively affected by the dwarf shortage.

I hope I'm not the only one who has Deja vu right now. I could've sworn I have seen this fml published before. If I'm wrong go ahead and down vote me into oblivion.

daniel271 13

Your dad knows government secrets.

Is the boyfriend a "midget"? If so, that's definitely not cool. But even if he's not, it's still not cool. Dump your dad

Attacksloth 33

People can be real dicks when they're drunk. I hope he apologizes when he sobers up.

Some people believe the meek will inherit the earth and others think midgets will. FYL OP

At least it wasn't your boyfriend that said that! :)