America, fix your bathroom stalls

By Anonymous - 11/10/2024 06:00 - United States - Denver

Today, my boss overheard me in a bathroom stall talking about how much I hate my job and couldn’t stand him. He didn’t say a word, I hadn't even heard him come in, I just noticed him staring silently at me through the crack in the stall, before leaving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76
You deserved it 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you discuss your workplace grievances at work? Even in the bathroom. The chances of your boss catching you or catching wind of what you said are much higher than if you discussed it at home. And keep your workplace grievances off of social media.

I bet you felt a complete asshole after that.


Why would you discuss your workplace grievances at work? Even in the bathroom. The chances of your boss catching you or catching wind of what you said are much higher than if you discussed it at home. And keep your workplace grievances off of social media.

I bet you felt a complete asshole after that.