By Hareega - 19/12/2009 07:39 - United States

Today, I took my first day off in 3 weeks just so I can sleep in. The office secretary woke me up at 7.12 am with a page wishing me a nice day off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 581
You deserved it 3 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First day off in 3 whole weeks? You poor thing.

if youre really that sleepy you probably shoulda been able to go back


You probably lied about your reasons for taking the day off, so YDI.

3 weeks? So? Unless you have a brutal job, which you don't if you have an office secretary, that's really not that much.

Yarrachel 16

Why do you assume his job isn't brutal just because the office has a secretary? It's not like he has a personal secretary.

Wow Office job, tough. My father is a construction worker; works outside heat or cold, never takes a day off. No FML

explorer96 0

quit bitchin! i have to go to work later. i push carts for minimum wage and we got 3-4 inches of snow last night. roll over and go back to ****** sleep. YDI for working in a ****** office!

Hugorgy 0

OMG! You've been working for three whole weeks? You poor, poor thing! Grow up! Some people don't get a day off for 3 YEARS, because they aren't lazy asses who just want to sleep in! YTDI!

3 weeks? try not taking a day off for 13 years and then get back to me. Try spending every day working with (and operating on) horribly ill people, then see if you complain about not having a day off in 3 weeks.

There will always be someone who has it worse than you. So just stop talking, nobody cares. If you want to complain then send in your own FML.

you have an american name , shut the **** up dr. pepper

i_luv_cheese 0

wow your life sucks! PSYCH! go the **** back to sleep

How about keeping stupid electronics switched off when you really want to sleep?