By Hareega - 19/12/2009 07:39 - United States

Today, I took my first day off in 3 weeks just so I can sleep in. The office secretary woke me up at 7.12 am with a page wishing me a nice day off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 581
You deserved it 3 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First day off in 3 whole weeks? You poor thing.

if youre really that sleepy you probably shoulda been able to go back


What is she, ******* stupid? I hope you figured out a way to get even with her.

paks7 0

there's really not enough information here for me to judge you... like if this is your first day off in 3 weeks with normal 5 day work-weeks then no i don't feel sorry for you at all and you need to stop being so lazy but if you have been working 7 days a week, for 3 weeks then i can understand your frustration...

Comentator 0

Should have turned your pager off on your day off Tard.

oh no 3 whole weeks without a day off! Stop crying and realize you're in the real world.

anh11 0

HEY , for everyone who thinks that pagers are from the 80's. maybe they are but have you ever thought : HE MIGHT BE A DOCTOR. (:

Fire the bitch for using a company pager for a non-emergency then take another day off 3 weeks from now and enjoy!

janabanana 0 boyfriend has been working in the same place for 2 years and has never been given a day off, nor has he ever asked for one. He bends over backwards for his job, and they treat him like shit. I've been working for a company for 3 years and have been given 1 week a year off. If I merely ASKED for a day off, I would get fired.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

Of course. You realise that the weekend is two days off? I'm pretty sure you forgot about that.

damn I wish I could get a day off every three weeks. and I work construction not sit on my ass all day. what a lazy ****

ArielTheMermaid 17
superbubbles 4

Pager? Thought that went out of style 10 years ago?