By Anonymous - 25/12/2013 18:27 - United States

Today, I took my girlfriend to a local drag racing spot to get her more involved with my friends. Her ex showed up and wanted to race me. I won the race, but blew my engine. I had to use his dad's towing service to get my car home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 871
You deserved it 14 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jaycee1209 5

Darn, what a drag that must have been for you.

From the sound of it, maybe he is in high school.


I say you deserved it since you said "local drag racing spot" not local drag strip, implying that it's street racing. Keep it at the track.

Actually , you life sucks.......and deserve it

05Mustang 1

I say that even though u blew ur engine i would be impressed and as my dad puts u now have an " improvement oppuritony" so u can now rebuild ur engine and add power and if ur gf is anything like me she would be thrilled and wanna help! :)

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Yeah you showed him, that you can pay his father for his towing service.