By Sydney1600 - 20/06/2013 23:28 - United States - Lawndale
Sydney1600 tells us more.
I was KINDLY telling her how it wasn't "cool" to like her own stuff. She accepted my tip with a warming smile. We have a close relationship, so it wasn't surprising that she did that. The picture wasn't too exposing. All you could see was my bottom. My friends now joke about it, so it was easy to get over it. Now my mom is the "cool mom." The worst part would have to be that she now gets more likes on her post than I do. So much for liking her own pictures.
Top comments
And momma wins! Your mother is one hell of a troll:p fyl op!
I like my own posts all time. I'm not worried about what's "cool" ... I'm just trying to have a good time an enjoy a good laugh.
Yeah, I honestly think it's pretty pointless to like your own post, but hey, if that's what wanna do, go for it. I would never tell someone not to because its "uncool", because that's not only pointless, but also mean. I figure, you can like your own posts all you want, and I can not like my own posts all I want, and we can both be happy :P
Parents and technology usually don't mix very well.
Your mom is excited that she knows how to use fb. She's "hip"
Ouch. 3rd degree burn. Props to your mom but baby pictures are nothing. Unless your genitals happen to be the same size as when you were born. In which case I'd be worried.
I don't see any evidence supporting your statement.
'Sydney1600 (woman)' See that bit where it says WOMAN?
I shudder to think what you'd suggest doing had she done anything more embarrassing!
or OP can report the pictures..facebook is super severe when it comes to nudity!
Oh no! Watch out for them pedophiles~ :P
Ha ha love it.
And the Mother of the Year Award goes to.....
you mean... It's not cool to like your own photos?