By Sydney1600 - 20/06/2013 23:28 - United States - Lawndale
Sydney1600 tells us more.
I was KINDLY telling her how it wasn't "cool" to like her own stuff. She accepted my tip with a warming smile. We have a close relationship, so it wasn't surprising that she did that. The picture wasn't too exposing. All you could see was my bottom. My friends now joke about it, so it was easy to get over it. Now my mom is the "cool mom." The worst part would have to be that she now gets more likes on her post than I do. So much for liking her own pictures.
Top comments
Your mom: 1 You: 0
Awesome troll mom
I never understand why people think nude babypictures are embarrassing. Everybody has them and most babies look the same anyway.
True, but the stories that go along with them can be pretty embarrassing.
Your mum took serious lengths to retaliate, but I have no sympathy. What's it to you if she likes her own posts? YDI.
It really depends on how OP said that to their mother. I've had to explain some basic Facebook etiquette to my parents before, like not having a long, "private" conversation with person A on person B's wall post. Sometimes hints can be helpful, if people are getting made fun of or being berated for the way they are acting. For all we know, OP's mom liking her own posts could very well be a joke to family and friends.
Like the other reply, it depends on how OP worded it. Liking your own posts seems desperate. “No one else 'likes' my posts? Well, I better do it, myself.” It doesn't really make sense to like them otherwise.
Fuckerberg is a Nazi when it comes to mildly offensive photos. Get a friend or two to help you report all of them. They'll get taken down, and your mom'll probably get a hefty ban for her troubles. Just make sure you check "Report to Facebook," and DON'T send the little "This post is offensive to me, please remove it" message.
I'm so glad my parents are not on FB...
And the Mother of the Year Award goes to.....
you mean... It's not cool to like your own photos?