By HaleyDrew08 - 26/06/2010 03:17 - United States

Today, I tried giving myself a bikini wax for the first time, and I'm pretty sure I didn't do it right. Now I'm laying on my couch with a wet rag and ice inbetween my legs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 013
You deserved it 20 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ok one: unless you are a pro or have actually bikini waxed before like in a course. NEVER EVER do it yourself. two: there us such a thing as hot wax and strip wax, and depending on what you are using you have to apply the wax a certain way and pull a certain way. three: If you are a girl, waxing in that area is more painful when you are or close to having, your period. fourthly: you have to taught (pull your skin tight) your skin so it is less painful. the softer or flexiable the skin the more chances it will hurt and brusies will form.

did you take tips from Kourtney Kardashian? never re heat the wax....


JokeMeister 0

There's experience and directions and you didn't bother with either. YDI.

andrewwalsh 0

Now I'm LYING on my couch, not laying. To lay is to place.

lizadunce 0

Well, on one hand.. Congratulations on being brave enough to try and do something like that to yourself. On the other.. what an incredibly stupid idea, lol.

There are people who are professional at that. Where do I get the training?

grabdaddypurpur 0

I can fix that by putting my face between ur legs 2

OP Future reference, get No Scream Cream and use it before you get waxed by a professional. Check SpaFinder for a good waxer. If you don't have $ to do it right, don't do it at all. You're better off trimming it & saving up.

ccarde2 0